How This Ancient Indian Skin Care Tradition Can Benefit Your Skin

Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India and originated there over 5,000 years ago. The Ayurvedic approach to health and life is all about balance. This means that Ayuvedia takes an holistic approach to health - food, exercise, meditation, massage, and herbal medicine are all equally important when it comes to staying healthy. The same approach matters when it comes to Ayuvedic skin care. This way of looking at skin care does not stop with just treatments and skin care products but also tells you what to eat and how to live a healthy lifestyle in order to have great skin.

In order to understand how Ayurveda can help your skin you need to first figure out which dosha you are. You can take an online questionnaire in order to determine which type you are or take a look at this list of dosha characteristics. There are 3 different doshas. Here are just a few characteristics of each dosha focusing on the skin.
this is the air element. People who are this type tend to have dry skin and hair and suffer from anxiety and nervousness. They also can have dry lips that chap easily.
this is the fire element. This type has sensitive skin and can experience skin inflammation and redness. Their skin can be warm. They have an excellent memory and usually sleep well.
this type represents earth and water. They tend to have thick and oily skin and can suffer from water retention. This type is acne prone. Their skin feels cool to the touch.
You can also start treating your skin by eating the right herbs for your dosha. Take a look at your lifestyle and ask yourself - are you relaxed or stressed? Are you getting enough sleep? Is your physical, mental, and spiritual life in balance? Lastly, you can look at your skin care products and their ingredients to determine what works best for your dosha.
Ayurvedic Skin Care Secrets

One of the key elements to Ayurvedic skin care is massage. The type of oil that you use is determined by your dosha though most people can use sesame oil. There are different way to perform this massage. You can read about one way here. Daily skin massage will leave you with glowing skin.
You can spot treat breakouts with neem oil. This is a fatty acid rich oil that is also anti-bacterial making it a perfect natural way to treat acne.
Spray your skin throughout the day with rosewater in order to tone and soothe the skin.
Cleanse your face with raw milk. Milk is both gently exfoliating and moisturizing. Apply the milk to a cottom pad and swipe all over your face.
Practice dry brushing in order to rid your body of dead skin cells.
Use facial masks regularly to soothe and treat your skin.
By Hanah Tetro