Nicole Catanese, Good Housekeeping
You know those weird but harmless glitches on your face and body that can show up out of nowhere? Here’s what they are and how to take care of them — fast.
The probable cause: Age-related dry skin or — if you have scaly, inflamed patches — eczema.
Why it's happening: “As we mature, oil glands dry up, and you can have a layer of ashy, dead skin,” says dermatologist Whitney Bowe, M.D., author of The Beauty of Dirty Skin. Eczema, on the other hand, is patchy and can be triggered by things such as nickel and certain soaps. Sometimes there’s no obvious reason for it.
How to treat it: For uninflamed dry skin, step up your exfoliation so moisturizer can penetrate better. Try a cream with ammonium lactate, such as Amlactin Rapid Relief Restoring Lotion ($14, amazon.com) to help unglue dead skin cells. For eczema, try a dab of 1% hydrocortisone cream. If that doesn’t help, see your doctor for an Rx cream.
The probable cause: Milia
and/or syringomas. Milia look like whiteheads but are actually clogs of
dead skin cells, says Jessica Weiser, M.D., a New York City–based derm.
If a bump is skin-colored, it could be a benign tumor called a
Why it's happening: Syringomas pop up when a sweat gland duct becomes enlarged, says dermatologist Neal Schultz, M.D. Milia arise due to using too-rich creams or too many products.
How to treat it: Don’t try to pop milia, says Dr. Weiser, who uses a tiny needle to extract them without scarring. Switch to a light, nongreasy cream and gently exfoliate to reduce clogging. For a
syringoma, the doc may use an electric needle to flatten it out. Another in-office option: dichloroacetic acid, which eats through excess cells so healthy skin can grow, says Dr. Schultz ($100 to $200 per lesion, less if many are treated at once).
The probable cause: Melasma, “the mask of pregnancy,” but you can get it at other times, sometimes from the Pill.
Why it's happening: Melasma starts with an estrogen surge that kicks melanin production into overdrive. It generally goes away but can return when you spend time in the sun or light. “Your skin can become programmed to over-synthesize pigment,” says Dr. Schultz.
How to treat it: Sunscreen is your friend. Look for broad-spectrum mineral-based blocks with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, and retouch throughout the day with an SPF–laced powder. If you’re pregnant, try an exfoliator with glycolic acid or a botanical lightener such as licorice and kojic extract. Be wary of laser treatments, which could make melasma worse.
From the GH Institute: MDSolarSciences Mineral Crème SPF 50 ($30, amazon.com) won in our GH Beauty Lab test. We also love GH Seal holder Mary Kay TimeWise RepairRevealing Radiance FacialPeel ($65, marykay.com), with glycolic acid.
The probable cause: Rosacea, especially if it's around your nose and cheeks, sometimes with broken blood vessels.
Why it's happening: The exact cause is not known, but light-complexioned people are more prone to it.
How to treat it: Cut out culprits like sun exposure, alcohol, spicy foods and, sad to say, chocolate, which can inflame skin, and slather on sunscreen every day. If that’s not enough, there are Rx creams that work for many patients, says Julie Karen, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center. Dr. Karen has also seen stellar results with a low dose of the oral antibiotic doxycycline. And ask your doctor about Rhofade, a topical cream that constricts blood vessels for about 12 hours.
The probable cause:
A cherry angioma. “These are nothing more than tiny one- to
two-millimeter clusters of capillaries that typically occur on the neck,
chest and stomach,” says Francesca Fusco, M.D., a dermatologist at
Wexler Dermatology.
Why it's happening: Your genes — some people simply get them. They’re not preventable, but they are completely benign.
How to treat it: If they really bother you, see a dermatologist, who may apply a topical numbing cream to the area, then disperse each cluster with a quick zap of an electric needle or a light-emitting laser. “When blood vessels are exposed to heat, they contract, dry up and disappear,” says Anne Chapas, M.D., clinical instructor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center and founder of Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City. (Cost varies, but it starts at around $200 per session, and the treatment typically is not covered by insurance.) “One session turns the spot purple, and then after a few days your body eliminates the damaged vessels,” Dr. Chapas says. If you’re prone to them, you’ll probably eventually spot new ones the doc will have to zap.
The probable cause: That friend you haven’t seen since high school, acne.
Why it's happening: When estrogen levels drop and androgens (the male hormones) take over, oil glands can go into overdrive, which is why more than 25% of women 40 to 49 say they deal with adult acne, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
How to treat it: If you’re in your 20s, you can go on the Pill, which of course is great for pregnancy prevention. But if you’re older, ask your doctor about the drug spironolactone. “It inhibits the effect of testosterone and androgenic hormones and has a profound and positive effect on cystic acne,” says Dr. Karen.
As for home treatments, ease off teen-centric acne washes with harsh salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide and opt for gentle at-home glycolic acid serums or peels to declog. For extreme acne, your derm may suggest an oral antibiotic, and experts agree that the drug isotretinoin is a great option if you’re not planning to get pregnant soon — it typically dries up overactive oil glands forever.
The probable cause: Skin tags, which often rise from your neck, chest, or pits, under your breasts, or in your groin.
Why it's happening: Skin tags may be genetic, but can also arise due to weight gain and generally appear in areas where skin rubs together, says Howard Sobel, founder of Park Avenue Skin & Spa in New York City.
How to treat it: Your dermatologist will take a small pair of sterilized scissors and cut off the extra skin (you’ll have a tiny scab for a day or two). Don’t try it yourself or use a DIY wart remover: “You could damage or burn the area, causing a scar,” says Dr. Fusco. Your annual skin check is a good time to have skin tags treated if they bug you — removal starts at around $200 and is usually not covered by insurance.
Dry, Rough Areas
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Getty Images
Why it's happening: “As we mature, oil glands dry up, and you can have a layer of ashy, dead skin,” says dermatologist Whitney Bowe, M.D., author of The Beauty of Dirty Skin. Eczema, on the other hand, is patchy and can be triggered by things such as nickel and certain soaps. Sometimes there’s no obvious reason for it.
How to treat it: For uninflamed dry skin, step up your exfoliation so moisturizer can penetrate better. Try a cream with ammonium lactate, such as Amlactin Rapid Relief Restoring Lotion ($14, amazon.com) to help unglue dead skin cells. For eczema, try a dab of 1% hydrocortisone cream. If that doesn’t help, see your doctor for an Rx cream.
Tiny Bumps Near Your Eyes
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Dr. H.C. Robinson/Science Source
Why it's happening: Syringomas pop up when a sweat gland duct becomes enlarged, says dermatologist Neal Schultz, M.D. Milia arise due to using too-rich creams or too many products.
How to treat it: Don’t try to pop milia, says Dr. Weiser, who uses a tiny needle to extract them without scarring. Switch to a light, nongreasy cream and gently exfoliate to reduce clogging. For a
syringoma, the doc may use an electric needle to flatten it out. Another in-office option: dichloroacetic acid, which eats through excess cells so healthy skin can grow, says Dr. Schultz ($100 to $200 per lesion, less if many are treated at once).
Brown Patches on Your Face
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Science Photo Library/Science Source
Why it's happening: Melasma starts with an estrogen surge that kicks melanin production into overdrive. It generally goes away but can return when you spend time in the sun or light. “Your skin can become programmed to over-synthesize pigment,” says Dr. Schultz.
How to treat it: Sunscreen is your friend. Look for broad-spectrum mineral-based blocks with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, and retouch throughout the day with an SPF–laced powder. If you’re pregnant, try an exfoliator with glycolic acid or a botanical lightener such as licorice and kojic extract. Be wary of laser treatments, which could make melasma worse.
From the GH Institute: MDSolarSciences Mineral Crème SPF 50 ($30, amazon.com) won in our GH Beauty Lab test. We also love GH Seal holder Mary Kay TimeWise RepairRevealing Radiance FacialPeel ($65, marykay.com), with glycolic acid.
Flushed, Red Skin
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Dr. P. Marazzi/Science Source
Why it's happening: The exact cause is not known, but light-complexioned people are more prone to it.
How to treat it: Cut out culprits like sun exposure, alcohol, spicy foods and, sad to say, chocolate, which can inflame skin, and slather on sunscreen every day. If that’s not enough, there are Rx creams that work for many patients, says Julie Karen, M.D., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center. Dr. Karen has also seen stellar results with a low dose of the oral antibiotic doxycycline. And ask your doctor about Rhofade, a topical cream that constricts blood vessels for about 12 hours.
Little Red Dots
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Getty Images
Why it's happening: Your genes — some people simply get them. They’re not preventable, but they are completely benign.
How to treat it: If they really bother you, see a dermatologist, who may apply a topical numbing cream to the area, then disperse each cluster with a quick zap of an electric needle or a light-emitting laser. “When blood vessels are exposed to heat, they contract, dry up and disappear,” says Anne Chapas, M.D., clinical instructor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center and founder of Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City. (Cost varies, but it starts at around $200 per session, and the treatment typically is not covered by insurance.) “One session turns the spot purple, and then after a few days your body eliminates the damaged vessels,” Dr. Chapas says. If you’re prone to them, you’ll probably eventually spot new ones the doc will have to zap.
Red Under-skin Breakouts, Blackheads, and Whiteheads
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Getty Images
Why it's happening: When estrogen levels drop and androgens (the male hormones) take over, oil glands can go into overdrive, which is why more than 25% of women 40 to 49 say they deal with adult acne, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
How to treat it: If you’re in your 20s, you can go on the Pill, which of course is great for pregnancy prevention. But if you’re older, ask your doctor about the drug spironolactone. “It inhibits the effect of testosterone and androgenic hormones and has a profound and positive effect on cystic acne,” says Dr. Karen.
As for home treatments, ease off teen-centric acne washes with harsh salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide and opt for gentle at-home glycolic acid serums or peels to declog. For extreme acne, your derm may suggest an oral antibiotic, and experts agree that the drug isotretinoin is a great option if you’re not planning to get pregnant soon — it typically dries up overactive oil glands forever.
The probable cause: Keratosis pilaris, an overgrowth of dead skin cells resulting in bumps in and around hair follicles.
Why it's happening: It’s a mystery why some 30% to 40% of people get KP, which usually starts at puberty, although it can worsen during pregnancy. Some speculate that a surge of hormones may be to blame. “We now think KP may be a dermatitis, and some forms of dermatitis do worsen during pregnancy,” says Dr. Fusco.
How to treat it: Lessening KP may be a matter of exfoliating to speed up cell turnover and prevent clogs. Look for topical peels like glycolic acid pads: The GH Beauty Lab likes SkinFix Facial Exfoliating Pads with glycolic acid ($25, ulta.com) or an exfoliating body cream (use sunscreen with either of these!). And while you may want to skip moisturizer because you think it will cause more clogs, the opposite is true. “Hydrating keeps skin more balanced so you have less excess dead skin buildup,” explains Dr. Weiser.
If you have a lot of hair on your arms or legs, laser hair-removal sessions can sometimes do double duty to make you fuzz- and KP-free. But to see results, you need to be as diligent with your KP duty as you are with brushing your teeth.
Tiny White or Red Dots That Look Like Chicken Skin
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Why it's happening: It’s a mystery why some 30% to 40% of people get KP, which usually starts at puberty, although it can worsen during pregnancy. Some speculate that a surge of hormones may be to blame. “We now think KP may be a dermatitis, and some forms of dermatitis do worsen during pregnancy,” says Dr. Fusco.
How to treat it: Lessening KP may be a matter of exfoliating to speed up cell turnover and prevent clogs. Look for topical peels like glycolic acid pads: The GH Beauty Lab likes SkinFix Facial Exfoliating Pads with glycolic acid ($25, ulta.com) or an exfoliating body cream (use sunscreen with either of these!). And while you may want to skip moisturizer because you think it will cause more clogs, the opposite is true. “Hydrating keeps skin more balanced so you have less excess dead skin buildup,” explains Dr. Weiser.
If you have a lot of hair on your arms or legs, laser hair-removal sessions can sometimes do double duty to make you fuzz- and KP-free. But to see results, you need to be as diligent with your KP duty as you are with brushing your teeth.
Weird, Little Skin Peninsulas
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Patrick G/Science Source
Why it's happening: Skin tags may be genetic, but can also arise due to weight gain and generally appear in areas where skin rubs together, says Howard Sobel, founder of Park Avenue Skin & Spa in New York City.
How to treat it: Your dermatologist will take a small pair of sterilized scissors and cut off the extra skin (you’ll have a tiny scab for a day or two). Don’t try it yourself or use a DIY wart remover: “You could damage or burn the area, causing a scar,” says Dr. Fusco. Your annual skin check is a good time to have skin tags treated if they bug you — removal starts at around $200 and is usually not covered by insurance.