Getting a big, red pimple on your face happens to literally everyone, but that doesn't mean you have to accept your defeat and wait patiently until the blemish goes away.
it's important to understand how blemishes work (knowing your enemy is
half the battle, after all). "We have sebaceous glands in the skin that
normally provide moisture and lubrication, but the combination of stress
and hormones can form clogs," explains celebrity dermatologist Dr.
Marina Peredo. "The bacteria causes inflammation in the skin, which is
why blemishes and acne form." And voila! Just like that, your skin
flares up.
So, how do you free yourself of this pesky
inflammation? Here's how dermatologists recommend getting rid of that
big ol' zit as soon as possible — and avoid making it worse.
1. Hands off.
All dermatologists agree that you should never, ever
pick at your pimple. We repeat: Do not pick at your pimple. "It may
seem tempting, but remember that once you've picked at an acne lesion,
it will take longer to heal and is more likely to scar," warns dermatologist Dr. Doris Day, author of 100 Questions and Answers About Acne. Trust us on this one.
2. Get a little steamy.
Heat is a super simple way to soothe your skin if you feel a blemish coming on,
says Dr. Margarita Lolis, dermatologist at Skin and Laser Surgery
Specialists of New York and New Jersey. "You can use a warm compress or
steam to bring everything to the surface," she explains. And once your
pimple appears, apply a spot treatment. Alternately, you can use a cold
compress to bring down the swelling of a particularly large, painful blemish.
3. Don't skimp on washing your face.
"Your oil glands are active all day," explains Dr. Joshua Zeichner,
Director of Cosmetic & Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount
Sinai Hospital; when that oil combines with dirt, makeup and pollution,
it's not doing your skin any favors. That goes double for workouts.
"Sweat mixed with dirt and oil can become trapped under wet workout
clothing," potentially worsening a breakout. "If you can't take a full
shower," Dr. Zeichner says, "at least use a cleansing towelette," like Good Housekeeping Beauty Breakthrough Award winner and Seal holder Olay Daily Facials Daily Clean 4-in-1Water Activated Cleansing Cloths.
4. Try the spot-treatment trifecta.
On top of always
washing off your makeup at night, using the right moisturizer for your
skin type, and keeping your fingers away from your face, you can use a
spot treatment to get rid of stubborn pimples. "Combine benzoyl
peroxide, salicylic acid, and 1% hydrocortisone cream in a custom
compounded acne spot treatment," Dr. Zeichner recommends. "Benzoyl
peroxide kills acne causing bacteria, salicylic acid removes excess oil,
and the cortisone cream reduces inflammation." This way, you can treat
your pimple by addressing as many factors as possible.
5. In a pinch, get a shot.
a really big event coming up? Then, you probably don't have time to
wait and see if your blemish will disappear on its own. Consider seeing a
dermatologist for an overnight cure. "A cortisone shot is an
anti-inflammatory, so it treats the pimple itself," explains Dr. Peredo.
"If it's a big, painful pimple, the cortisone diffuses the inflammation
and flattens it out, hopefully without leaving a scar." Of course, this
isn't an easy, at-home DIY fix. It should only be administered by a
physician, usually a dermatologist, and it is often covered by insurance
if you have acne.
6. Adjust your regimen.
your breakouts are pretty frequent and you're sick of it, you may want
to consider switching up your skincare routine. "Pick a cleanser that
has glycolic or salicylic acid in it, which you can get over the
counter," Dr. Peredo instructs. "Those with acne-prone skin may need an
astringent to degrease the skin, too — I like salicylic or glycolic,
because they can help with the scarring that could occur, as well."
[post_ads_2]7. Skip the homemade recipes.
toothpaste, lemon juice and even Windex have been cited as excellent
at-home remedies for blemishes, derms advise against them. "Toothpaste
is more complicated than it used to be and can irritate or over-dry your
skin," warns Dr. Day. "Lemon juice is also irritating
and wouldn't have any effect on the pimple itself." And Windex — well,
it's glass cleaner. Don't put glass cleaner on your face.
8. Go light on your makeup.
using heavy coverup to make your blemishes visually disappear won't
make them physically disappear. "Use mineral makeup on your skin rather
than oil-based products that can contribute to breakouts," recommends
Dr. Peredo, adding that oil-based foundation and concealer can be very
occlusive. You can even do yourself one better and go totally
makeup-free for a few days — it could be just the break your skin needs
to clear up quick.