Create Your Own Colorful, Crystal Bobby Pins
Despite my adoration for bobby pins, I sure spend a lot of time trying to hide them inside my hair. One of the first things I learned in beauty school is that when styling hair, bobby pins should be 100 percent function and practicality, never seen and always hidden, like some sort of sacrifice for the greater good. Well, I say free your pins, people! Rules are meant to be broken after all. Here are two unique ways to let your bobby pins shine.
In sixth grade I started at a new school. The first friend I made was Therese, a spunky no-nonsense girl obsessed with good grunge music and having a bad attitude. During one of our first conversations, she asked me if I liked Nirvana or Green Day better. She was really into Gwen Stephani, so she had her mom bleach her hair white and buy her little bindis to wear on her forehead.
When Gwen wore buns to an awards show, Therese got a bun form and blew our minds. Even as a sixth grader, she was always on top of trends and the first to try the newest hairstyle or alternative fashion.
After the buns and the bindis came Hard Candy Nail Polish. These polishes included a line of perfect pastel colors donned with little sparkly plastic rings that made all the sixth grade girls go crazy. Unfortunately for us, Hard Candy polish was $12, so I stuck with the Wet ’n Wild. Therese sometimes let me use her Hard Candy colors, bringing our favorite pastels to school so we could paint our nails with our hands under our desks so our teacher wouldn’t see.
And when that got old, we painted our bobby pins.
Hell if we were gonna pay $10 for sparkly pastel bobby pins when we could make our own! In honor of my 12-year-old riot grrrl days, I am pulling this crafty little trick out of the back pocket of my JNCO jeans to share with you and yours.
Here is your chance to make a statement with bobby pins and wear them proudly.
For this little project, you will need some bobby pins (I like to mix and match the big ones and little ones), nail polish in whatever colors you like best, and a piece of card board or card stock. Don’t worry about spending $12 on the fancy stuff, any polish from Walgreens works just fine as long as there is a decent selection of pastel and jewel tone colors.
First, secure your pins to the card board or card stock with enough space to use different colors of polish and not accidentally mix or muck up the other pins. Second, apply the polish to the smooth, flat side of the bobby pins and let the polish dry before applying a second coat. If you want to add glitter or gems, glue those on before applying the polish in order to ensure they will stick on. Apply your second coat, let your pins air dry, and viola - beautiful, colorful bobby pins!
Gaze Into My Crystal Ball
Not into pastels? Get witchy with crystal bobby pins! A close friend of mine brought me a tiny bag of perfectly sparkly crystals from the Mount Ida Crystal Mine and I turned them into a great style accessory. You can attach almost anything to a bobby pin and stick it in your hair, so why not crystals?
For this little project you will need clear drying glue (personally, I love Eco glue), a scrap of leather, two bobby pins, some scissors, and 10-15 very small rough crystals.
First, take two of the leather scraps and cut them rectangularly to match the size of the two bobby pins you have selected for this project. Next, secure the bobby pins to the leather scraps with the leather in between the smooth, flat side and the curved side.
With your pins flat side down, squirt a thick line of glue down the leather strips and on top of the flat side of the bobby pins. Make sure that the glue covers the pin entirely and the exposed leather sections entirely. Next, take your largest crystals and lay them neatly in the center of the glue. Add a slightly smaller sized crystal on either side of the first
Make sure the crystals are securely snuggled against each other and are covered by the glue, and then set them aside for a full day and night to dry.
Wear your crystal pins in any boho-inspired hairstyle for an added earthy bling!
By Roxie Hunt
First, secure your pins to the card board or card stock with enough space to use different colors of polish and not accidentally mix or muck up the other pins. Second, apply the polish to the smooth, flat side of the bobby pins and let the polish dry before applying a second coat. If you want to add glitter or gems, glue those on before applying the polish in order to ensure they will stick on. Apply your second coat, let your pins air dry, and viola - beautiful, colorful bobby pins!
Gaze Into My Crystal Ball
Not into pastels? Get witchy with crystal bobby pins! A close friend of mine brought me a tiny bag of perfectly sparkly crystals from the Mount Ida Crystal Mine and I turned them into a great style accessory. You can attach almost anything to a bobby pin and stick it in your hair, so why not crystals?
For this little project you will need clear drying glue (personally, I love Eco glue), a scrap of leather, two bobby pins, some scissors, and 10-15 very small rough crystals.
With your pins flat side down, squirt a thick line of glue down the leather strips and on top of the flat side of the bobby pins. Make sure that the glue covers the pin entirely and the exposed leather sections entirely. Next, take your largest crystals and lay them neatly in the center of the glue. Add a slightly smaller sized crystal on either side of the first
Make sure the crystals are securely snuggled against each other and are covered by the glue, and then set them aside for a full day and night to dry.
Wear your crystal pins in any boho-inspired hairstyle for an added earthy bling!
By Roxie Hunt