We love messy, undone, beachy waves any time of year. But given that it’s summer and there are a lot of beach days left to be had, there’s no better time to master the style. The good news is, it’s actually really easy to do. All you need is a flat iron (yep, a flat iron). And because the style is supposed to look effortless and a little unpolished, unwashed hair works perfectly. Take it from Los Angeles–based hairstylist Derek Williams: “This look is a great way to give second or third day hair a little life.” Or, on the other hand, as he puts it, “if you want second or third day hair on the first day,” this style is for you. Grab your tools and follow along as Williams walks us through each step.
Supplies list
Supplies list
- Ocean Mist Spray
- Volume Powder
- Styling Cream
- Flat iron
- Blow dryer
- Hair clips

On dry hair, generously spritz Sachajuan Ocean Mist Spray throughout. This product is great for bringing out your hair’s texture and will help hold any movement and volume you add with hot tools.

Next, rough-up locks using your hands. Scrunch sections and twist random strands around your finger. A quick blow dryer blast will help enhance the texture.
Even though it takes longer, Williams suggests sectioning hair to make it easier to wave. Grab a section at the top of the head and the front and clip it up, leaving the section underneath hanging down, and the rest behind your shoulders in back.

Take a piece from the front bottom section and clamp it in the flat iron and twist your wrist to fold it backward, away from your face, as pictured. Hold the position for a few seconds and then release.

On the same strand of hair, glide the iron 2 to 3 inches down and repeat the same motion you did in step 4, but flip the iron forward rather than back. Continue moving the iron down, alternating between flipping the iron forward and backward. Once the strand is complete, straighten the tips of hair a bit to give a more undone feel. “The point of the look is to be messy, so don’t overthink it,” says Williams. Repeat steps 3 to 5 on the other side of the head.

Let the finished front sections hang in front of your shoulders to keep out of the way. Then work on the back: clip a top section up and out of the way, leaving the bottom strands loose. Divide that hair into two sections as pictured. Then wave these sections, repeating the technique from steps 4 and 5.

Once all hair is waved, apply a dime-sized amount of hair cream like Sachajuan Styling Cream on the ends to give it a more piece-y texture.

Finally, use a spray-on dry shampoo like Sachajuan Volume Powder to add volume and give the look a modern matte feel. This product "helps absorb any oil at the root, which gives the hair fullness and body,” says Williams.
By Caitie Schlisserman