For years, I woke up with snags in my hair, and every time I went anywhere windy, my hair would snarl up, and I’d have to brush it out all over again. Long-haired people: you understand.
Too bad I didn’t know about this DIY One-Minute Detangling Spray until now. Sure, there are detangling products on the market, but this one costs pennies. And works! And is made with stuff you already own! There’s a ton of recipes for this on the internet, but I tinkered around with one until it was up to my (exacting and totally scientific) standards.
You will need

- Empty spray bottle (I used a standard 12 oz. bottle, but it would be great to make a travel-size version, too)
- 2–3 Tbsp. regular conditioner
- Hot (not boiling) water
- optional: essential oil of your choice
1: Put 2–3 tablespoons of your favorite conditioner in your squirt bottle.

3: Add 2–3 drops of essential oil for scent if you like. I used tuberose essential oil so my hair smells like a delicious and delicate rose garden.
4: Shake!
5: Spray on dry hair to untangle even the worst cases of bedhead or convertible-car-hair. Just spray on and comb through, marveling how your comb doesn’t snag on any tangles. You can also spray on damp hair to use as a leave-in conditioner. Both options will leave hair silky, soft, and shiny, and leave you feeling smug.