Take glitter lips, for instance. Glitter lips are basic Burlesque 101—one of the first things you learn backstage at the makeup table from other performers. They’re an important part of the burlesque dancer’s arsenal. Head to toe sparkle is what it’s all about, from your body glitter to your rhinestones, and a good glitter lip helps you get there.
After you wear glitter lips so often, for so long, they just start to feel … right. Like, you’ll be looking in a mirror when you’re about to go out on a Saturday night and think, “Hmm, my makeup looks good, but it’s missing something.” And then a couple minutes later, you’re sashaying out the door with your lips sparkling like two devastating rubies.
But here’s the thing. Out in public, people often act amazed, as if they’ve never seen glitter lips before. “What kind of lipstick is that?” a passerby on the dance floor will demand. “Where did you get such sparkly lipstick? I mean, does it come like that?” the bartender will ask as she hands you your drink.
PEOPLE. These are glitter lips! The easiest thing ever to do! Here’s how.
You Will Need
- Lipstick Fine,
- Makeup-grade glitter
- Cotton swab or lip brush

If you, like me, have no manners, grab a cotton swab and lick it. Or if you’re fancy, use a brush.


Press lips together to tamp the glitter into place. Then stick a finger in your mouth, purse your lips, and slowly pull the finger out. This is to remove any particles waiting on the inside of your lips to hop onto your teeth.

By Krista Burton