If you're feeling under the weather, food might be the last thing on your mind. "Some people may lose their appetite [when they're feeling sick] due to diminished sense of taste or smell or lack of energy," says Toby Smithson, MS, RDN, LDN, CDE, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and Founder of DiabetesEveryDay.com.
Can Vitamin C Really Help You Fight a Cold?
But even if you've lost your appetite, it's important to keep consuming nutrient-dense grub. "The longer we go without meeting our nutrient needs, the weaker we can become and the slower our recovery may be," says Maxine Yeung, MS, RD, CDN, NASM-CPT and founder of The Wellness Whisk.
The old adage that you should "feed a cold, starve a fever" isn't exactly true. Regardless of whether you have a cold or a fever, you should make sure you're consuming enough nutrients to give your body the energy it needs to fuel its immune defenses, says Smithson.
In the spirit of boosting white blood cells, make a habit of incorporating these cold-fighting foods into your diet whenever you're fending off the sniffles.
Chicken Soup

The bone broth in chicken soup contains collagen, which can help boost your immune system, in addition to amino acids and nutrients that help prevent inflammation. "Chicken soup's illness-fighting ability is thought to be related to cysteine, an amino acid released from chicken during cooking. The hot liquid in soup also helps you to stay hydrated, which can help loosen any secretions."

Rumsey recommends choosing yogurts with a "live and active cultures" seal and avoiding heavily sweetened varieties. Be wary of foods that are infused with probiotics, though. Not all probiotics are made equal, and products that contain them don't always have enough active cultures to make a real difference. Not a fan of yogurt or are dairy-free? It's best to stick to other natural sources, like kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut.
Fatty Fish

That's because "chronic inflammation can weaken and disrupt the function of your immune system," says Yeung.
These delicious Wild Salmon Sweet Potato Cakes feature sweet potatoes, coconut oil and avocados, which are also rich in health-boosting antioxidants.

Foods Rich in Zinc

"Zinc helps regulate the immune system, build and maintain lean body mass and heal wounds." Yeung says foods high in zinc include oysters, red meat, eggs, fortified cereal, beans and pumpkin seeds.

Fruits and Vegetables

Vitamin C can be found in high quantities in citrus fruits, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Dark leafy greens, butternut squash and avocado are excellent sources of vitamin E. Pairing these and other fruits and vegetables with adequate protein intake will help supercharge your immunity, says Smithson.
Plenty of liquids

"Try to avoid sweetened beverages, like sports drinks and juice, as too much sugar in your body can cause inflammation... which further weakens your immune system."
By Laura Newcomer
Courtesy CNN