20 Makeup Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier

Victor VIRGILE/Getty Images

By Augusta Falletta and Molly Carroll, StyleCaster

[post_ads]The only thing that gets us more excited than good makeup is finding awesome tips to use said makeup. Whether it’s figuring out that hairspray can work as setting spray or that you should be applying lipstick with a concealer brush, makeup tips are more than just fun—they’re also incredibly helpful.

We’ve put together 20 amazing makeup tips that will totally change your life.

Heat up your eyelash curler with a blow dryer for a few seconds before curling your lashes to give them extra holding power.

Apply your lipstick with a concealer brush for a more precise application. 
Hold a plastic spoon or business card to your eyelid while applying mascara to avoid stray marks on your lid.

Using white eyeliner as an eyelid base will make your bright eyeshadow stand out and last longer.

Turn your regular kohl eyeliner into gel liner by holding it under a flame for one second. Let it cool for 15 seconds and gently apply to your lash line.

When you first open a new product, write the date on it with a permanent marker. That way, you’ll always know when it will expire.

If your lips are a bit chapped or flaky, take an old toothbrush to brush away the flakes to reveal softer, kissable lips. 

To fix a cracked or broken powder compact, pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol in the tin. Swirl the liquid and the powder together with a cotton swab until you get a clay-like consistency. Then, let it dry flat for about a day and it’ll be like new.
To make your lipstick last, apply the lipstick and then hold a tissue over your lips and lightly dust translucent powder over the tissue.

Clean up the wings of your cat eye with a cotton swab and a dab of concealer. You’ll remove any unwanted excess and cover up the mistake at the same time.

Set your makeup for a long night by spraying hairspray straight up in the air, then tilting your head back and closing your eyes to let the hairspray fall back down onto your face.

Keep lipstick from getting on your teeth by making an “O” shape with your lips and putting your index finger in your mouth, then pulling it out. The excess lipstick that would’ve gotten on your teeth will come off on your finger.

For thicker eyelashes, dust a thin coat of baby powder onto your lashes after your first coat of mascara, then seal it with a second coat. The powder acts as a thickener and your lashes will look much thicker.
Control unruly eyebrows by spritzing hairspray onto an old toothbrush and gently brushing through your brows.
Stop your under eye concealer from creasing by completely removing any creams or emollients from the area and using a makeup sponge to apply concealer. Set the liquid concealer with a thin veil of powder for extra staying power. 

In a pinch, use your lipstick as a cream blush. Swipe some color onto the back of your hand first, then use your index finger to apply to the apples of your cheeks.

Give gel eyeliner staying power by going over it with a the same color in a powder formula with an angled liner brush.

For the perfect false lash application, apply the adhesive glue to the line of false lashes with the tip of a bobby pin to avoid any excess glue on your eyes. For even more precision, cut them into three or four smaller pieces before applying.

To look better in pictures, apply a thin mineral veil of powder down the center of your face with a fluffy brush. It’ll take away shine from the oiliest parts of your skin plus make your face appear just a bit slimmer.

If you start to see thinning or bald patches on your eyebrows, apply Rogaine or lash growth serum to the area to help your eyebrows grow.

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: 20 Makeup Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier
20 Makeup Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier
Makeup tips and tricks that will blow your mind and make life easier.
Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends
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