By Erin Lukas, InStyle
[post_ads]Call it the Kylie Jenner effect: Full lips have never been so
in-demand. Now more than ever, a growing number of women are turning to
lip augmentation to get the perfect pout. While lip fillers last longer
than over-lining your lips or swiping on plumping products every
morning, the results aren’t permanent. But, that doesn’t mean you should
go into the procedure completely blind.
First things first: What exactly are lip fillers? The four fillers
approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration are all
hyaluronic acid-based. “Hyaluronic acid is a natural molecule found in
many organs and tissues (including the skin) that helps to retain
moisture and hydrates tissue,” explains Miama-based board-certified
cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Christopher O’Connell. For reference, the brand names of these fillers are Juvederm Ultra, Volbella, Restylane-L, and Restylane Silk.
Along with Dr. O’Connell, we turned to New York-based board-certified dermatologist Dr. Debra Jaliman to find out everything you need to know when considering lip injections.

Who Should Get Lip Injections?
Luckily, both doctors agree that full lips are for everyone. However
there are certain circumstances when it’s a good idea not to have the
procedure done. Dr. O’Connell notes that you should avoid getting lip
fillers while pregnant or have an active infection in the area. And if
you have a lidocaine allergy, make sure the dermatologist performing the
injections uses a lidocaine-free formula. “Many of these fillers now
have lidocaine to numb the area and decrease injection pain,” explains
Dr. O’Connell.
Do Your Research
To ensure you get the look you want, look for board-certified
dermatologists in your area that specialize in injectablees, and have a
body of work available to peruse on their websites. Once you’ve found a
potential dermatologist, Dr. Jaliman recommends scheduling an in-depth
consultation to discuss the exact shape you want, whether you should
enlarge the top or bottom lip, as well as take thorough photos of your
lips for reference for the actual procedure.
Dr. O’Connell suggest bringing photos of your ideal lips from
magazines or social media feeds so that you and your doctor can discuss
your cosmetic goals and what look you can realistically achieve. “Also,
it may take time to build up the volume on your lips,” says Dr. Connell.
“If you desire a very significant change, two treatments over a period
of 6 months may be needed.”
Prepare for Your Appointment
Although the procedure only takes an hour tops (including, freezing
and the actual injections) there are a few things to keep in mind before
heading to your dermatologist's office. Both doctors say to avoid
aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen two weeks before getting lip injections
because they'll exacerbate bruising. And supplements you should skip:
vitamin E and fish oil.
When Will You See Results?
[post_ads]You’ll see a boost in volume immediately following the procedure, but
expect to experience mild bruising and swelling, too. Although the side
effects vary from person to person, Dr. O’Connell recommends scheduling
your injection on a Friday afternoon so that you don’t have to
experience any potential downtime on weekdays. Since the bruising and
swelling takes few days to go down, Dr. Jaliman says that it can take up
to a week for lips to look the way that you desired.
What Can You Do if You're Unhappy with the Results?
If you aren't happy with your lip injections, there are a few things
you can do to help you get a look that's more your speed. Dr. Jaliman
says that injecting Vitrase (hyaluronidase) into the area can minimize
the filler. "This is an enzyme that dissolves the hyaluronic acid in the
filler," she says.
In addition to hyaluronidase, Dr. O'Connell says you can make a
return trip to your dermatologist to have them tweak the shape with more
filler to get your lips closer to the look you desire. If you go this
route, he says that the extra filler can be administered two weeks after
the inital injection.