In the name of experimentation, Los Angeles-based beauty vlogger Ashley Blue DeFrancesco gave it a go.

By Megan Gustashaw, Self
When it comes to what beauty vloggers and
influencers will do to their faces and hair in the name of
experimentation, nothing really surprises us anymore. That includes this
beauty vlogger’s decision to try applying her makeup with a tampon
because, well, why not?

[post_ads]Before the tampon-as-blender vlogger came along, there was Laila Tahri, who used a condom
to apply her makeup (she actually had a logical explanation for doing
it); Bella Fiori, who tried contouring without blending at all; Bunny
Meyer, who used Cheetos to curl her hair; and, of course, Marna Haugen,
who applied 100 layers of nail polish
to her nails at once. Trends like strobing, plopping, succulent nail
art, neon makeup, and using craft glue as a beauty product have raised
the bar for crazy even higher. And don’t even get us started on dumpster diving for discarded products.
like Cheetos hair rollers, the idea of using a tampon to apply makeup
is meant to be a bit of a joke. Los Angeles-based beauty vlogger Ashley
Blue DeFrancesco, who posted the video to her Instagram account last
week, acknowledged as much in the caption for the clip saying, “Tampon
or beauty blender YOU DECIDE. lol I think we know what we like more.
Laugh at this!”
Since a tampon is composed of 100 percent cotton—and, depending on the brand, chemicals—it
doesn’t make the best beauty applicator. For one, it’ll absorb too much
product, and for another, its textured surface isn’t ideal for blending
makeup to a smooth finish. Also, tiny cotton particles and liquid
foundation are not a good combination. It’d be like when you have that
one piece of glitter under your eye that you cannot seem to get rid of,
only in, well, tampon form.
In short,
watch, Like, enjoy this video, but don’t use tampons to apply
foundation. (But we probably didn’t have to tell you that.)