By Julia Horniacek, Best product
Use: Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear in Blue Bloom, $3, ulta.com
[post_ads]Unfortunately, the original shade that inspired this glitter-packed
polish is sold-out, but no worries! You can get the same effect with
this alternative from Sally Hansen. Sparkle and shine the whole night
through with this hardening pigment, and rest assured you're bound to
light up the night with this vivid hue.

Use: Essie Nail Polish in Geranium, $9 amazon.com; Ulta Salon Nail Clear Topcoat, $6 ulta.com
Celebrate the Fourth with a haute and spicy French mani. Essie's
Geranium polish is a vibrant, shine-finish lacquer whose mix of orange
and red undertones creates a hue resembling that bottle of RedHot
you keep stocked for every summer BBQ. Similar to the condiments
effect, a tiny tip of the lively shade is all you need for a little
zest. Once completely dry, swipe on a coat of Ulta's clear polish for
added sheen against the natural base of your nail.

Use: Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Get Mod, $10 ulta.com; Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Beatnik, $10 ulta.com
The '90s are still relevant, friends! This Fourth of July, we're
gonna get funky with our mani with a basic color split and a poppin'
pills shape at the center of each nail. Throw on a pair of high-waisted
denim shorts with your little red bikini top and side pony
— alternative is getting artsy, and we're all about these shapely nails.

Use: NCLA Nail Lacquer in Valet My Carriage, $16 shopncla.com; Glitter Injections in Caramel Kiss, $10 glitterinjections.com
No Fourth of July party is complete without a few sparklers! Keep it safe with glitter tips — sans fire — with Naildecor's
dazzling mani. The shine radiating from your fingers could definitely
compete with the stars, with glints of rose gold shimmering with every
hand gesture.
See More:
- Festive Fourth of July Manis for Major Nail Inspiration (part-1)
- Festive Fourth of July Manis for Major Nail Inspiration (part-2)
- Festive Fourth of July Manis for Major Nail Inspiration (part-3)