By Marianne Mychaskiw, InStyle
Here's a really sexy skincare topic we're discussing today—bacne, or
back acne, if you're not into abbrevs. It's something everyone has had
at one point or another, but no one wants to talk about, because
frankly, it's kind of embarassing to deal with. We get it, sometimes the
internal monologues we craft in our heads lead us to believe we're the
only ones who have to battle this obnoxious issue, but Washington
D.C.-based dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi assures us, it's actually
more prevalent than you realize.
[post_ads]"It's actually very common, particularly as the weather gets hotter,
stickier, and more humid. We're sweatier in general during that time,
which can exacerbate the whole thing," she tells us. "The back actually
has a lot of oil glands in it, which is why we see this problem."
Especially during peak heat and humidity, light, breathable clothes
are key. Dr. Tanzi advises veering away from any too-tight materials
that could occlude or block your back, and wearing your hair up could
also help. "Constant covering up of the pores and skin itself—we call
that occlusion—can cause breakouts," she explains. "Hair and tight
clothing tend to do that, so go for something light and cotton-based to
let your back breathe as much as it can."
When it comes to treating the problem area, you'll want to inlcude a
salicylic acid-based acne wash into your shower routine, and possibly a
benzoyl peroxide-rich formula as well, which you can alternate as you
see fit. Dr. Tanzi suggests washing your back and chest area with a
salicylic acid wash one day, then with a benzoyl peroxide option on the
following day to allow each formula to tag-team the issue. "They both do
two slightly different things—salicylic acid helps to exfoliate and
clear out the pores, whereas benzoyl peroxide also does that, but has
anti-bacterial properties as well," she says. "On the days you use
benzoyl peroxide, be sure to dry off with a white towel to avoid
bleaching your dark clothes."
[post_ads]Wash only the affected areas, usually the chest and back, as covering
your entire body in the stuff could cause the rest of your skin to dry
out. Any formula rich in either ingredient should do the trick—we're big
fans of Neutrogena's Body Clear Body Wash ($6; walmart.com)—though
if the breakouts are particularly aggressive, she recommends using an
alpha-beta peel pad over the area post-shower. Since they remove sweat
and bacteria in a few sweeps, they're ideal for those times you can't
shower after a workout. Dr. Dennis Gross's Universal Daily Peel Pads
($16; sephora.com) are great for use on the face and body.
Your best bet when it comes to covering the area is to go for a
concealer-treatment hybrid, which dries out the activity while covering
it. "My favorites are the ones that have sulfur in them, which can kind
of smell, but do a great job at treating the issue," Dr. Tanzi tells us.
"Sometimes the skin on the back takes longer than the skin on your face
to heal, but it's safe to cover as needed. Just be sure to cover spot
by spot, or just the largest areas, instead of applying makeup to your entire back."