This Is the 1 Product Every Rainbow-Haired Beauty Needs For Healthier Hair

By Hedy Phillips, Pop Sugar

[post_ads]I have put my hair through a lot over the years. I've done many colors of the rainbow with a harsh bleaching in between, and while my hair is pretty durable, the color has taken a bit of a toll. There was actually a point a few years ago where I dyed my hair pink, and when I wanted to change colors, I couldn't actually get the bleach to take the pink out. Naturally, I then thought it would be a good idea to just keep bleaching it over and over in hopes that the pink would come out. I don't know how I still had hair or skin at the end of that ordeal, but somehow I pulled through.

But now, I've discovered the secret to changing my rainbow hair without wreaking havoc on my hair and scalp. Enter Pravana's Pure Light Crème Lightener.


I started with the fade out of my Lime Crime pink ombré and a pretty terrible texture from hot-tool abuse. (I live for my flat iron; I can't help it.) I put my hair in the hands of Pravana and its experts, and hair color superwoman Lissette Cruz got to work at taking my color out. She used the Pure Light Crème Lightener to remove the color, and it literally took less than five minutes.

The lightener has a coconut oil base so it's ultranourishing on your hair, which is exactly what you need if you frequently change your colors. I asked her how it works, and she said the lightener opens up the hairs and pulls the color out gently rather than harshly stripping it away like some other products. The lightener can lift up to five levels — and fast.

Get a load of my hair after just five minutes with the lightener (and after a rinse, of course)!

After lightening

Check out that amazing light gray color we ended up with! Lissette even joked that she wouldn't have been able to get that color if she tried, and had I not wanted brand-new mermaid hair in the end, I would have been tempted to keep this. Alas, this was a stepping stone. But normally after taking color out, my hair ends up a bit brittle and very fragile. It can handle it, but it has its limits.

After the Pure Light Crème Lightener, though, my hair was soft and smooth and ready to take on a whole new life.

And that's where colorist Jordan Glindmyer came in. I told this self-proclaimed mermaid that she could do whatever she wanted with my hair. After toning my hair with ChromaSilk Express Tones in Smokey Silver, Jordan pulled together a color palette fit for a mermaid. Or a unicorn, whichever you prefer.

"I wanted to work with the existing regrowth, so I utilized violet on the root and did diagonal and horizontal sections throughout the head, alternating formulas on her ends to create a flawless blend regardless of how she chooses to part or style her hair," Jordan said.

The colors she used were Neons Neon Pink, Vivids Violet, Neons Neon Blue, Vivids Yellow, Vivids Clear (an additive to lighten/pastel creative colors for more customization), Vivids Moody Blue, and Vivids Magenta. And while it sounds like that's a lot going on, the finished look was flawless.


Not only is the color amazing, but seriously, the lightener boosted my hair health in a crazy way. I have naturally tangly and difficult hair, but the lightener took care of all of that. There are no tangles to be found, and my hair is shinier than ever. Rainbow-haired friends, next time you want to change colors, you have to use Pravana's Pure Light Crème Lightener. Your hair will thank you.

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: This Is the 1 Product Every Rainbow-Haired Beauty Needs For Healthier Hair
This Is the 1 Product Every Rainbow-Haired Beauty Needs For Healthier Hair
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