That's why we put together this super helpful list on how to liberate the girls while keeping your self-assurance on point.
Dim the Headlights
Rather not #freethenipple? Invest in discreet covers like Commando Low Beams adhesives ($10 for 5; wearcommando.com), which blur nips and are particularly handy underneath superlight materials. In a pinch, a large Band-Aid can get the job done.2.
Snap a Selfie
Because staring into a mirror doesn't always give you the clearest view. Stylist Anita Patrickson, who works with Chrissy Teigen and Julianne Hough, advises taking a picture of your get-up before leaving the house. If you don't like how the bralessness looks in the photo, you won't like how it looks in real life either.3.
Wear a Halter
When in doubt, halter. Not all styles lend themselves to bouncing bosoms (a white silk button-down, for example). But halters—whether in dresses or tops—practically beg for it. They give you a built-in boost.4.
Perk Up
Sag happens (to all ages and sizes), but that doesn't mean your bra-free days are dunzo. Patrickson swears by Fashion Forms Superlite Adhesive Bra ($17, target.com). Sure, it has the word bra in it, but it doesn't have the pesky band that you spend all day dreaming about unlatching.5.