Because that's never a fun experience.

By Mona Gohara, Good Housekeping
Chafing between your
thighs is, well, the worst. We know. But there are ways to avoid it (no
thigh-gap needed) — or if you're already past the slightly uncomfortable
point, treat it so it goes away. It all starts with a few key issues...
The Problem: Lots of Friction
Too much rubbing for whatever reason — walking, working out, or wearing
your favorite tight skinny jeans — could make your skin weak and wear
[post_ads]How to prevent it: Body glide
is a great solution, says Dr. Allison Hanlon, a dermatologist in
Nashville, Tennessee. It's an invisible protective balm that works
really well — lots of runners and bikers use it. You can also try the Vaseline in your bathroom cabinet. Either way, a little dab in the morning can work wonders.
The Problem: Excessive Sweating
Moisture can break down the top layer of skin leaving it chafed, irritated, and painful.
How to prevent it:
Talcum powder does a good job at protecting your skin from
perspiration. Dust on a fine layer before starting your day. For a
little more coverage, roll on some antiperspirant in your most sensitive
The Problem: Irritating Workout Gear
If you're not wearing the right type of exercise clothing, your thighs
will really pay (and we don't mean with new muscles) for all those rep
moves. And who wants to spend an hour kick-boxing if you're going to
leave with red, raw skin?
How to prevent it:
Ditch any loose fitting cotton pants — they'll just "trap moisture and
irritate the skin further," says Hanlon. Instead, she recommends
choosing moisture-wicking materials that cling to your body. You could
also consider alternating the days you do upper and lower body training
to give your thighs a break.
Too late and already hurting? Try these tricks:
Choose a mild cleanser and don't scrub. Using harsh soaps can aggravate
your skin and make the situation a lot worse. Wash gently with warm
water and a pH neutral, moisturizing bar like Dove.
Wear soft, breathable cotton clothing during the day, and cotton
pajamas instead of a nightgown at night, says Dr. Kavita Mariwalla, a
dermatologic surgeon at Stony Brook Hospital in New York.
Use plain Vaseline to soothe, protect, and heal the raw skin. Avoid
creams with fragrance or fancy ingredients, they will likely irritate
you more.
4. Go see
your doctor. If things aren't getting better, you may have an infection.
When the skin is broken, yeast and bacteria can settle in and you may
have to use a medicated cream.
Read more Good Housekeping: