Estrogen and progesterone are at rock bottom, prompting bleeding—and the cramps that come with it. But: That same dearth of hormones increases your pain tolerance and helps your muscles recover more quickly. So even though you'd rather curl up in the fetal position, it's worth hitting the gym: A boot camp class won't feel as tough as usual.WEEK 2
Strength training
right now means bigger gains in muscle mass, possibly due to rising
testosterone levels. Do some kettlebell squats or crush it at CrossFit,
but try to be mindful of your knees. For unclear reasons, surging
estrogen levels (which prep the uterus to host the next egg) may lead to
more frequent ACL injuries.
Start with some of these strength-training moves:
When you ovulate
(usually around day 14), your estrogen peaks, causing your body to use
fat, which is slower to release energy than carbs, as its primary power
source. That metabolic shift will make steady-state workouts easier, so
if you're training for a race, plan your long runs for this week. (Torch fat, get fit, and feel great with Women's Health's All in 18 DVD!)
Your lady parts are prepping for the big event with a major hit of progesterone. Cue: crying jags during commercials and bloating
(fun!). If you can pull yourself off the couch, do it. Experts say
there's no physiological reason you can't work out hard right now, but
if you're not up to it, try a brisk walk or Pilates class.