This condition is more common in women.
Constipation that lasts for days or weeks and is followed by a bout
of diarrhea is a classic sign of IBS, says Sonpal. These polar extremes
are often exasperated in IBS patients due to both stress, anxiety or
even depression. This why many women feel an improvement of IBS symptoms
after starting yoga,
regular exercise, or seeking therapy, he says. If the alternating
between symptoms stop and you start experiencing dominantly extreme
diarrhea or extreme constipation, it’s a good idea to see a physician to
rule out anything more serious. (Kick-start your new, healthy routine with Women's Health's 12-Week Total-Body Transformation!)

Those with IBS generally experience widespread abdominal pain. That
pain is commonly from abdominal cramping of the small and large bowel,
says Sonpal. It becomes worse after eating and is relieved by passage of
a bowel movement or passing gas. IBS pain is never focal to one region
of the belly or severe or sharp. When the pain becomes localized, sharp,
or unrelenting, that is not IBS, but a sign of something more severe.
Similar to IBS, menstrual cramps can be felt all over, but unlike period cramps, IBS pain rarely accompanies back pain and is paired with a change in bowel habits.

IBS symptoms occur during the day as they are brought on by stress
and food, but at night when you sleep you should be “stress free” (and
you obviously aren’t eating). Hence, no IBS symptoms. Typically IBS
symptoms are their worst at the end of the day when patients feel heavy
and bloated. If you begin experiencing symptoms at night, they may be unrelated to IBS and you should see a doctor.

The bacteria that populates our guts is so important to every aspect
of our health. Once the friendly bacteria that helps digest your food
and protect the gut lining becomes imbalanced, digestive and immune
capabilities are compromised, says Sonpal. That imbalance can
potentially lead to IBS with symptoms such as gas bloating and "looking pregnant."
This kind of retention is also seen in menstruation from hormonal
imbalances of estrogen and progesterone, but the gas bloating of IBS is
always after eating, he says.