Go, Shorty! Here's How to Rock Short Hair on Your Wedding Day

By Jaimie Mackey, Brides

You've heard of the post-wedding chop, but if you're a bride-to-be who already has short hair, finding inspiration and advice for your tresses can be challenging. But having hair above your collarbone instead of down to your waist doesn't mean you can't have a stunning hairstyle as you walk down the aisle! And who better to talk to than the pros? These hairstylists are dishing on their favorite ways to rock short hair on your wedding day, as well as the tried and true tips you'll definitely want to remember.

What styles work best?

When you're working with shorter hair, pick a style that suits your cut. "If you have a pixie cut, choose a style that fits your hair," says Alison Harper, owner of Alison Harper & Company. For something a little different, add some volume at the roots by backcombing. "Then softly pin the hair in the crown for a faux upsweep," says Eva Scrivo, owner of Eva Scrivo Salons. "If your hair is around chin length, you'll have a wider array of options. I always encourage my brides to choose inspiration photos featuring a similar length of hair to what they plan to have on their wedding day." Whether you go with a faux updo or a braided headband, short hair doesn't have to be limiting!

What products or accessories should you seek?

"I love seeing accessories on my short-haired brides," says Harper. "If you're wearing a decorative piece, keep the hairstyle itself more simple." She loves lace headbands, which can help pull your look together while still being timeless.
Looking for a little fullness and the illusion of longer hair? Consider extensions. "They can add both length and volume," says Scrivo. "Strategically placed pieces can make short hair look longer, as well as dress up a bride's style." Or ask your colorist to match a faux bun to your existing hair color for seamless integration that will give you a bun look without the extensions.

What should short-haired brides avoid?

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There's one thing no bride should forget: "Don't skip your haircuts!" says Harper. "Even if you're trying to grow your hair out, have your stylist trim a little less than normal. Skipping regular haircuts will cause your hair to have dead ends and splitting. A healthy hairstyle will always look better than an updo!"

Scrivo also recommends avoiding hard gels and too much hairspray, as they can make a shorter style look crunchy instead of soft and flattering. "Don't wear your hair too straight or overuse product, as it can plaster your hair to your head," Scrivo explains. Instead, she favors some softness and movement to keep your hair looking natural.

What about a veil?

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Having short hair doesn't mean you have to skip the veil! "If you have a shorter hairstyle, the comb of the veil will be placed closer to the crown," Harper explains. "When shopping for a veil, choose one with a thin metal comb instead of a large plastic one. The thinner comb will be easier to slide into your hairstyle if you have less hair to cover it."

Adds Scrivo, "Shoulder length, tulle birdcage veils, or a simple piece of lace is always classic. Or you can skip the veil in favor of a statement piece, like a large flower or vintage feathers." For something more edgy, opt for a piece that's more intricate, which can add volume to a shorter hairstyle as well.
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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: Go, Shorty! Here's How to Rock Short Hair on Your Wedding Day
Go, Shorty! Here's How to Rock Short Hair on Your Wedding Day
And who better to talk to than the pros?
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