By Aubrey Almanza, Reader's Digest
You'll only look your best when you eat your best

you are a freelance makeup artist working with young models, you see
the difference between the ones that aren't taking care of themselves
(diet wise), and those that come in with a healthy apple or green
juice—you can honestly see the difference,' says world-famous makeup
artist and beauty mogul Bobbi Brown. To look your most beautiful
throughout your life, you've got to commit yourself to a long-term,
healthy diet and lifestyle. For recipes full of beauty foods, check out
Brown's latest book, Beauty From the Inside Out (available on Amazon).
It's essential that you unwind, because stress will take a toll on your face

'I think that stress shows on your face, whether it's good stress or bad stress,'
Brown says. 'Whereas, if you're lucky enough to have a yoga practice or
just take time to meditate and be present, those activities will
positively show on your face. You'll feel better and look better when
you're not so frantic.'
Water is the number one beauty food

don't realize the difference drinking eight to ten glasses of water per
day makes. Your skin looks better, you're hydrated, you have more
energy, and you have more clarity,' Brown says. 'In the afternoon,
people tend to grab an unhealthy snack and a coffee, but they'd be so
much better off hydrating with water. If you're not quite up to drinking
eight to ten glasses, there are also plenty of foods with high water
content, including watermelon and cucumbers. It's great to add those
snacks into your day. I even add fruits in to flavor my water,' Brown reveals. You won't believe how beautifully your body changes when you drink the recommended amount of water each day.
Your beauty products aren't measured by what they cost

nothing like a good cleansing and exfoliation routine. A little bit of
self care goes a long way, and you don't necessarily have to go out and
get facials,' says Brown. 'You can do a little scrub using products already in your kitchen.
Whether you have chia seeds, flax seeds, a little salt or sugar with
coconut oil, you can make your own great beauty products at home.'
Wearing more makeup isn't always the answer to looking better

you'll look in the mirror and think, 'Oh my god, I need more makeup,'
but I guarantee you, most of the time, you really just need moisture,'
Brown says. 'When you are really tired and dehydrated, just go to the
kitchen and eat something hydrating. Put coconut oil on your skin and you will instantly look better.'
Even the smallest everyday changes can make an enormously positive impact on your looks

have a friend who was in his 50s, and one day I saw him and said,
'Terry, you look amazing. What are you doing?' and he said, 'You know, I
started doing just one thing: I now drink a green juice every morning.'
And not only did he have more energy, he also looked so much better.
It's the little things that make a difference, because that's what you
can stick with long-term. I also know people that have quit smoking cigarettes in their 60s and completely changed their skin. It's truly never too late to start making changes,' Brown says.
Remember that you can always layer your moisturizer

secret people don't realize is that you can layer your moisturizer on
top of your makeup once it's finished,' Brown reveals. 'Most women apply
their makeup from bottom to top, then look in the mirror and feel
stuck. If something looks off, add moisturizer on top of your makeup
in any dry or dull areas. I do that often. It smooths the makeup and
lets your true skin come through. That really helps,' she says.
As you age, don't strive to look younger

me, it's not about looking younger, it's about looking better,' Brown
says. 'That means looking rested and awake. It's about evening out your
skin tone, moisturizing your skin, and giving your skin a glow. The
older I get, I also prefer products with added moisture, so you might
want to switch from a powder to a cream blush, for example.'
Makeup should make you a better version of yourself

explains that she enjoys makeup as a means of improving your natural
looks, not changing them entirely. 'I'm not a fan of contouring and
changing the color of your skin. Nor should you wear blush that isn't
actually the color of your cheeks. Covering yourself with those
unnatural shades isn't what you need,' she says. Instead, stick to
'excellent skin care, plus great concealer, a very natural foundation,
or just spot-coverage,' Brown advises. To master the no-makeup makeup
look, try out these natural glam tips.
True self-confidence comes from feeling good

'My advice is to understand what
confidence is. You can't feel confident without feeling good in your
skin from the inside and outside —and you've got to start with the
inside first. If you're unhealthy and don't feel good, you're never
going to be confident in yourself, regardless of how amazing you look,'
Brown says.
Walking every day may be the key to long-term beauty

just think of exercise as a means of losing weight. Think of exercise
as a way to get inspiration, to instantly feel better about yourself,'
advises Brown. 'I really believe walking is the secret to longevity.
Whenever I feel stuck, I just head out the door. I don't care if it's
winter or summer, I just put my headphones on and walk. Instead of going
to a shrink, I walk and talk with my friends. I might pick up the phone
and call my aunt Alice, my mother, or my son,' she says. 'You'll come
back with energy and feeling so much better about yourself. If you've
never done it, I don't care if you walk the mall or the hallway—just
start and keep adding to it.'
Make sure you have a healthy relationship with your makeup

[post_ads]Like a good friend, your makeup
should be there for you. However, you can't be so dependent on it that
you need to wear it every second of every day. 'There are certainly
benefits to wearing makeup: it can add a little color to your face when
you're exhausted, so you'll be relieved when you look in the mirror and
don't look as tired as you feel,' jokes Brown. 'The simple things are
amazing, like being able to smudge on a little eye shadow and black
mascara to make your eyes suddenly stand out. It's really powerful. At
the same time, I regularly go days without wearing any makeup or looking
in the mirror at all. I think that's what it's all about.'
Earn your cheat meals

believe in moderation and balance. I believe in owning your choices,'
says Brown. 'Meaning, if you're going to some amazing restaurant that
you know has incredible pizza, then guess what? During the day, try to
eat light. Eat a lot of vegetables, and clean proteins, and save
yourself for the special restaurant—but don't eat pizza every night.
That's the rule.'
Don't compare your looks to others'

'I've not always felt confident.
When I was way younger and going to big Vogue parties or fashion
parties, I was really insecure,' admits Brown. 'I didn't know what to
wear, so I'd go in something I wasn't really suited for with really
uncomfortable shoes. Then one day I finally said, 'Okay, STOP. Find an
outfit that is comfortable, that you feel good in, and just go and have a
good time. Stop worrying about not being as attractive as other
people.' Because in the end, it's not about how you look, it's about how
you feel you look.'