The constant friction between both the thighs causes a dark line in your pubic area, perhaps this can happen due to several other reasons too like harsh cosmetics, polyester clothing etc. however, another most important culprit of this can be sweating. Sometimes too much of sweat in the pubic area also causes dark lining. However, discoloration between thighs is often a problem for those who are very much addicted to short dresses and even to those who are figure conscious. So, the first step to change your skin tone is to avoid too much of sweating around the pubic area for this you should go for cotton clothing instead of polyester, use hygiene cosmetic products and just avoid all the products that lead to irritation and darkening of the skin. Perhaps all these measures will take a long way off and you can reach the desired result in quite a lengthy duration. So, here are few remedies that you can try at home and get rid of dark bikini area quickly. Those who are just going for the OTC and other medicines to get rid of this situation, then there is a humble request to avoid such solutions as these measures are just worthless and dangerous too.
Lemon Juice

Lemon is told to be the natural bleaching agent which helps the skin to lighten and make it look clearer. With the Lemon juice you can also remove wrinkles and dead skin, but in case, you have rashes or cuts in that area then avoid using the lemon juice as it is a bleaching substance and can harm you at this time. For such treatments, Aloe Vera can be helpful for an application.
- Squeeze the lemon juice and apply it on the affected area for 10 minutes and then rinse it with water.
- You can also mix the lemon solution with the yoghurt and honey and apply.
Orange Peel

Orange peel is also one of the substances that have the property of skin lightening and removal of the dead skin cells. The orange peel like the lemon juice is also a natural bleaching element that helps the damaged skin to heal and make the skin shine. The orange peel is among the Vitamin-rich fruit which helps to make the skin shine and glow.
- Put the orange peel in the sun and let it dry.
- Grind the dried peel into a paste.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of this paste with yoghurt and then apply it with wet hands onto the affected area.
- Rinse the area with cool water.
- Repeat this twice in a week.
- Do this every third day
Aloe Vera

According to different researches and tests, it has been proven that aloe Vera is the solution to various skin problems. This plant has the quality of skin lightening and healing and it has the properties to restore the skin cells. Aloe Vera plant also contains the anti-cancer properties which are good for the person who consumes it in empty stomach. Among these benefits if you can also apply the Aloe Vera gel around the pubic area as the application will make the skin lighter, vanish the dark spots and the skin will get repaired in a short period of time.
- Extract the gel from an aloe Vera leaf.
- Apply it on the affected area.
- Now, leave it for 20-30 minutes and then wash.
- Do this regularly.
Cucumber Juice

Cucumber is a very cool vegetable and has the property of skin lightening. It is rich in Vitamin A, therefore, has the quality to treat different kinds of skin problems. Cucumber is tested very well for sensitive areas like area beneath the eye, face skin and also the skin between thighs that is your pubic area.
- Mix the cucumber juice with turmeric and lemon and then apply it on the affected area. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash.
- You can also apply plain cucumber juice twice every day to get the required result quickly.

Another natural bleach tomato is easily found in your kitchen which is a perfect remedy to get rid of the dark and spotty skin. It is very obvious that the area between the thighs often gets darker due to friction or genetic disorders, but the regular usage of tomatoes not only helps the skin to get rid of damages but also lighten and brighten it. Moreover, an antioxidant called lycopene found in tomatoes also helps the skin to recover from sun damages, perhaps, tomatoes are one of the effective solutions to lighten the pubic area in short duration.
- Cut tomato slices and rub the slice into the affected skin for at least 10 minutes.
- Leave the skin after that for more 5 minutes and then wash.
- Do this once daily.

Sandalwood can be another effective remedy to make the pubic area lighter and enhance the skin complexion. According to the experts, pure sandalwood not only smells wonderful but when mixed with rose water and used lightens the skin tone and removes the dark spots too. Sandalwood also protects the skin against the UV rays and the essential oil of sandal can be also used as a means to avoid such problems quickly.
- Squeeze the juice from ½ of a lemon and add this juice to 4 teaspoons of sandalwood powder.
- Mix this into paste thoroughly.
- You can also add a little rose water to this solution to make it smoother if necessary.
- Apply this paste on the affected area at night before going to bed.
- Wash it early morning and repeat this process every day unless you get the desired result.

The lactic acid found in the milk helps to reduce the skin hyperpigmentation, therefore, this product is also very useful to reduce the dark spots and lighten the dark skin around the pubic area. Not only for the area between thighs but the milk is often used for face massage and even for bathing during the ancient times. Thus, from the very olden days, people believe the milk to be one of the best treatment for darker skin tone.
- Dip a piece of cotton cloth in the cup of milk.
- Now, put this cloth over the dark skin for 5 minutes.
- Keep on repeating this for few more times.
- Perform this remedy regularly.

The very rich source of Vitamin E and A the almond nuts are also one of the skin lightening agents for any part of the body. Nor only for the skin lightening property, but this product is also known for its moisturizing capacity. It is very important for the skin to be moisturized as the moisturized skin often prevents from the sun burnt, rashes and other types of skin problems. The almonds are always considered beneficial for exfoliating and softening of skin, therefore, it can also help lighten your skin tone around the bikini area.
- Soak 5 or 6 whole almonds overnight in the milk
- The next morning, grind them into a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste on the affected area and keep it for 30 minutes and then wash.
Baking soda

Baking soda is also one of the perfect skin exfoliators which can help you get rid of the dark skin tone along the bikini line. However, mind that baking soda is also among the harsh substance that can help you only when you do not have a sensitive skin otherwise the application of the baking soda may get you adverse results.
- Mix the baking soda and water in a ratio of 3:1
- Form this mixture to the paste.
- Now, apply this paste on the dark skin and leave it for 1 minute unless it dries.
- Now, wash the area with cool water
- Do this once in a week. Do not use this remedy in case of irritation and other side effects.

Papaya contains the enzyme known as Papain that works perfectly to treat the dark skin around the pubic area to make it lighter in the complex. Even the papaya mash has been used since years to make facial packs and other cosmetics products for treating skins of various types. Papaya with the help of its bleaching property helps to shed the dark skin and make the complex lighter.
- Rub papaya pulp on the dark area for 5 minutes and then leave it for 15 minutes before washing.
- You can also blend ½ cup of green papaya and ½ teaspoon each of vitamin E oil.
- Also, add honey and yogurt to the solution and mix them into the smooth paste. Now, apply the paste onto affected skin.
- Leave it for 15 minutes and wash.
Courtesy Fast The Heal