From: Martha Stewart
Seasonal Allergies
Your allergies might be the cause of more than just feeling miserable
internally. Aside from the sniffles, they can actually make your skin
reactive. Dr. Kenneth Howe of Wexler Dermatology
explains that all of a sudden your skin might become intolerant to
products that it normally tolerates quite well. Topical acne medication
can make skin dry, facial scrubs can cause skin to be rough and itchy,
and chemical peels can cause burns. It’s like you have a different skin.
Dr. Howe explains, “Seasonal allergies can provoke a state of
subclinical inflammation in someone's skin." It's this state we refer to
as "reactive" as anything could set it off. As for the signs that your
skin is in a reactive state: patchy dryness and a tendency to break out
in itchy red blotches that get worse if you scratch or rub them are two
clear signs.
Your Breathing Is Obstructed
Obstructed breathing whether because of illness, weight, or
age-related tightening of your airways can have an unexpected effect on
your appearance. According to Dr. Gelb, co-author of GASP!: Airway Health - The Hidden Path To Wellness,
Breathing that isn’t optimal ultimately affects the quality of your
sleep, rendering it less restorative. And when you don’t have
restorative sleep, you’ll find that your skin might look pasty and
you look haggard and stressed. If your breathing becomes improved -- Dr.
Gelb reiterates that more oxygen will be provided to every cell in your
body -- your skin will have more color to it, and your eyes will open
up and become whiter.
[post_ads_2]Sleeping in Your Makeup
Beauty sleep is important, as proven by the above, but if you sleep in your makeup, you are sabotaging your skin. Dr. Weiser of NYDG
explains that during the day free radicals cling to makeup and skin,
therefore augmenting oxidative damage and causing accelerated aging. “It
is crucial to wash skin before bedtime to remove makeup and associated
pollutants and oxidants from the skin surface in order to allow the skin
time to heal and rejuvenate overnight.”
Excess Sugar Consumption
Derms across the board will tell you the same thing: If you eat a ton
of sugary foods, it will show on your face. Why? “Excessive sugar
consumption speeds the production of advanced glycation end products
which cause collagen breakdown and skin sagging over time.” If that’s
not a reason to cut down on your favorite gummy candies, we don’t know
what will.
[post_ads_2]Your Skincare Routine
This is counterintuitive, but Dr. Howe explains, “Oftentimes, our
skincare habits were adopted in our teens, when our skin first became a
focus of attention, and have been continued -- as a matter of unexamined
faith -- ever since. And that ignores the central fact that our skin is
changing, both with the passage of years and from season to season.”
Furthermore, a skincare routine for teenage skin is far too harsh for
most adult skin, but especially for a person with reactive skin. The
reason is that people are far less oily as adults than they were as
teens. The skin produces only a set amount of oil each day, and once
that is stripped away, any deficiency cannot be “made up for” by
increased production, and as a result your skin might simply become dry.
Your Workout
While getting exercise is important for overall health, Dr. Howe says
it could cause your skin conditions to change for the worse. He
suggestes that this is due to styling products in your hair or on your
face that permeate as you sweat.
[post_ads_2]Processed, Fatty Foods
Dr. Shereene Idriss, of Wexler Dermatology explains that a diet rich
in antioxidants is essential to beautiful, wrinkle-free skin. “Avoiding
processed foods and an excess of salt and alcohol can help achieve a
more radiant glow to your skin,” says Dr. Idriss, “because they tend to
dehydrate you resulting in a ruddy look. Clean eating is essential for a
healthy mind, body, and beautiful skin.”
Acne Products You Think Are Acne-Friendly
Dr. Weiser explains that there is a misconception about products
being acne-friendly. Oftentimes, acne-friendly products can actually be
comedogenic. “Many acne-prone patients believe that oil-free products
are crucial to blemish-free skin,” but it turns out “emulsifiers used
instead of these oils are often key culprits in triggering more
Benzoyl Peroxide
Another unexpected skincare saboteur! According to Dr. Weiser, this
is a super common ingredient in most acne-fighting skincare products,
but it might actually be counterproductive in fighting acne. This is
because, “Use of this ingredient can overly dry the skin surface
creating a rebound in oil production and worsening breakouts.”
[post_ads_2]Fragrance in Soaps
A hidden aggravator of skin might be the fragrance in your detergent.
According to Dr. Weiser, “People often don’t realize that chemicals and
fragrances in skincare products and laundry soaps or softeners can
cause reactions on the skin surface.” Moreover, “Natural” and “organic”
products often have more plant additives (and therefore natural
fragrance) which can be similarly or more irritating than “chemical”
product counterparts.” It’s worth considering if your skin is reactive.
Excessive Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption
Any derm will tell you caffeine and alcohol make the fight for
gorgeous skin just that much more difficult. Drinking excessive amounts
of caffeine and consuming large amounts of alcohol without properly
hydrating can lead to skin cells becoming flaccid and sunken, in turn
leading to more pronounced lines and wrinkles and premature aging.