Is pH important for maintaining the perfect skin? Dermatologist Mona Gohara explains.
know the milk in your refrigerator that requires chilling at the
perfect temp or else...curdsville? Believe it or not, skin is the exact
same way. There is an ideal equilibrium that needs to be maintained to
keep things, well, fresh. The familiar phrase "pH balanced"
actually means something important when it comes to overall skin
health—it's not just a marketing lure. To elaborate, it involves a
little chemistry. Don't worry, we'll explain.
[post_ads_2]It's All About That Base
A pH (abbreviation for potential hydrogen) number, which can fall
between between 0 and 14, indicates whether a chemical is acidic,
neutral, or basic/alkaline. The acid mantle, a protective scaffold
(invisible to the naked eye) lives around our outer layer of skin, and
operates best at a pH of about 5.5. This built-in barrier secreted from
oil glands acts as a shield against bacteria, viruses, contaminants, and
other potential irritants that can penetrate the skin. At the same
time, it traps in moisture and preserves nourishing lipids and proteins.
Anything or any product that disrupts the acid mantle's pH can cause
reactive, easily inflamed, rashy skin. As the pH creeps above 6.5, for
example, risk of skin infection goes up drastically. It matters for
wrinkles too. A study in the British Journal of Dermatology
found that over an eight-year period, women with more alkaline skin (a
higher pH number) had greater numbers of fine lines and crow's feet than
those who had a more optimal skin pH.
Soap Opera
Quite simply, the combo of skin and soap equals drama. Standard
shower soaps are made up of alkaline detergents, which raises the acid
mantle pH while stripping the skin of essential, hydrating fatty acids
and proteins. That tight, squeaky clean feeling? That's a skin 9-1-1
calling out for more moisture, stat. Those who prefer cleansing bars
over body washes should choose a non-soap option such as the Dove Beauty Bar to incorporate into their daily routine.
DIY Don'ts
DIY beauty remedies are a dime a dozen and easy to find on "Google
U." Lemons, for some reason, are the darlings of many DIY pundits,
especially when it comes to concoctions surrounding skin lightening. The
reality is that lemons can really mess things up. They're way
too acidic and literally eat away at our protective barrier. Citrus
belongs in a cup, not in a homemade cream. Another example? Baking soda.
There are plenty of household products that can dub as expensive,
department store exfoliators, but despite the multiple DIY recipes
suggesting it online, baking soda is not
one of them. It has a basic pH much higher than where healthy skin
should live, says Annie Chiu, M.D., attending dermatologist at
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. To avoid reactive skin, keep the orange box
in the fridge and away from your face. Want a radiant glow? Try a sugar scrub instead.
The "S" Factor
Then there's all the other stuff that happens to our skin—the
environmental irritants that muck with our barrier. Sun, smoke, and smog
can all weaken the acid mantle, leaving a dull, aged, reactive
complexion. For additional protection, seek out antioxidants, which can
help fortify the skin and minimize resulting free radical damage. Skinceuticals CE Ferulic
is a good bet. Just a dab in morning, under your favorite
broad-spectrum sunscreen of 30 or higher, can go a long way in the name
of ultraviolet and pollution patrol.
An Optimal Routine: The "pH"acts
For optimal skin health, avoid soaps, harsh astringents/toners,
fragranced products, and even natural ingredients that are too acidic or
alkaline. Mild, gentle, non-soap cleansers, antioxidants, sunscreen,
and nourishing lubricants can keep the acid mantle and your skin in
check. In other words, keep it simple to keep your skin's radiance.