Two weeks ago, I went to Whole Foods and stocked up on coconut milk,
almond butter, frozen veggies, fresh berries, organic meats, wild
salmon, and quinoa. My boyfriend could interpret what this meant: Lauren
is back on another food detox.
It started last Summer when I completed Dr. Frank Lipman's two-week Be Well Cleanse. This is a 14-day program in which you eliminate the food groups that most people are sensitive to,
including gluten, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, nightshade vegetables, and
eggs, among other things, replacing them with a plant-based diet that
includes select organic lean meats and fish. You also drink three shakes
a day incorporating Dr. Lipman's special blend of powders and take supplements. I learned a ton about myself, my habits, and my skin.
Though I have yet to return to the official cleanse, I do repeat some
of the guidelines from it when I feel off-balance, seem bloated, or
have less-than-desirable skin (blochy, broken out, puffy under-eyes).
Typically, I try to eliminate gluten, dairy, and sugar for about a week
or two until I feel and look better. Within three days of sticking to
this diet plan, my skin brightens,
I fall asleep easier and earlier, and my jeans fit better. It's not
about dieting or losing weight; it's about creating harmony within my
body. A healthy gut undeniably yields more gorgeous skin.
According to Dr. Lipman, "Your skin is your largest organ and a
window into what's going on inside your body. Poor food choices that
cause inflammation can lead to numerous skin issues."
If a cleanse is a bit dramatic for you, no worries. You can still reap some of the benefits by making these seven food swaps. Dr. Lipman outlined which foods to avoid, why they are toxic for your skin, and what to replace them with.
Eliminate: Cow's Milk Cheese
"Dairy is such a trigger for skin problems such as
acne," said Dr. Lipman. "All dairy, even if from grass-fed organic cows,
comes from lactating cows. It’s therefore full of hormones from the
cow, which can translate into hormonal acne in humans — particularly
because it boosts male hormones, which are linked to acne. A 2009 review
of 21 studies, for example, found that cow’s milk increased both the
number of people who got acne and its severity."
Replace With: Cashew Cheese or Nutritional Yeast
"These foods have no lactose but can be used in the
same way as other cheeses," he explained. "Enjoy them as spreads,
seasonings, and snacks."
2Eliminate: Crackers and Processed Carbohydrates
"Processed carbohydrates are all foods that increase
insulin," the doctor informed me. "This includes white bread, sweetened
cereals, pasta, baked goods, white rice, and sugar-sweetened food and
drink. These processed foods break down quickly and turn to sugar,
causing a spike in insulin. Scientists have found that more insulin
means more acne! Processed foods are also made with processed, man-made
oils, such as canola oil, soybean oil, and other 'vegetable oils,' which
are proinflammatory. And more inflammation means more acne."
Replace With: Seed Crackers or Almond Flour Crackers
"These crackers are full of good-for-you healthy fats
and protein," he said. "They are also low in sugar and full of fiber to
balance blood sugar and insulin levels."
Eliminate: Juice
"How green is that green juice?" Dr. Lipman
questioned. "If it tastes sweet, it most likely has too many sugars.
Many green juices have up to 50 grams of sugar! And they often lack the
natural fibers found in whole fruits, which are so helpful in moderating
insulin release. And remember that more insulin means more acne. So if
you can lower your sugar intake, your skin will definitely be clearer."
Replace With: Dr. Lipman’s Mocha Chocolate Smoothie
Instead of a juice, Dr. Lipman suggests a yummy
smoothie that is high in healthy fats and protein. Here’s one of his
favorite recipes.
1/4 to 1/2 cup water (less water makes for a thicker smoothie)
1 teaspoon organic instant coffee
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 avocado
1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon chia seeds
6 to 8 ice cubes
Put all ingredients into a blender and blend till smooth and creamy.
4Eliminate: Soda
"Soda is full of sugar and other artificial
chemicals, all of which produce inflammation inside the body," he
advised. "Your skin is your biggest organ, and even though it’s on the
outside of your body, it’s a window into what’s going on inside. Not
only does soda increase insulin levels, but diet soda especially
disrupts the necessary and healthy bacteria found in your gut. Skin
issues such as rosacea, eczema, acne, and more are all evidence of an
imbalance of gut bacteria."
Replace With: Kombucha
"Kombucha is a drink that is fermented, and therefore
it’s full of probiotics, or gut-healthy bacteria!" the doctor said. "So
drinking kombucha can help repopulate your healthy gut bacteria and
rebalance your microbes. In layman's terms: by fixing your gut, you can
clear up your skin! It can be that simple."
Eliminate: Canned Soup
"Canned soup is full of sodium and BPA (bisphenol),"
he noted. "All of the salt in canned soup can make your skin retain
water and appear bloated and dry. In addition, BPA is an endocrine
disruptor, which causes problems with hormones. It’s also a foreign
chemical that can enter your body and cause inflammation."
Replace With: Bone Broth
"Bone broth
is soothing for the gut and healing for its lining," he explained. "It
also contains collagen, which can work wonders in improving the
elasticity of your skin."
Eliminate: Canned Tuna
"Canned tuna is often farmed and lacking in the
nutrients found in wild fish," Dr. Lipman warned. "Additionally, tuna is
high in mercury, which can lead to mercury toxicity!"
Replace With: Canned Salmon
"Canned wild salmon is high healthy fats, especially
omega-3s," he said. "These fats reinforce cell membranes and therefore
help nourish the skin. Omega-3 fatty acids are also great natural
Eliminate: Coffee
"Caffeine is a diuretic, which causes your body to lose water and your skin to be dehydrated," he noted.
Replace With: Hot Water With Lemon
"It’s hydrating, full of antioxidants, and helps
reduce the risk of inflammation," Dr. Lipman offered. "It also helps
support liver function. The liver is the main organ that detoxifies the
body. If you’re full of toxins, you’re more likely to break out."
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