Because sometimes the truth isn’t always obvious.
It starts with an itch. The one that comes hand
in hand with dehydration. Dry skin -- it’s pretty uncomfortable. And
sometimes it feels like it won’t ever end. You lap on moisturizer and
your body just drinks it up. Then, an hour later, your legs are back to
feeling drier than a sandbox. File this under “un-fun.” It’s also not
news to you, but there are some more reasons, aside from it being cold
outside, why it might be happening to you.
So, how do you know if your skin is inflamed and not just dry? Symptoms of inflammation in the skin includes itchiness, redness, increased flakiness, and sensitivity. You probably know of this condition as eczema. And of course, you probably want to know why your moisturizer isn’t cutting the mustard when you’ve arrived at that place. Dr. Howe explained, “Since moisturizers do not directly address inflammation, they often exhibit little impact on skin that has reached this state. The most common and effective treatment is a topical steroid cream or ointment, but there are some herbal medications that are useful, as well.”
That being said, Dr. Howe explained, “Zinc deficiency causes dry skin. And, low levels of Vitamin C cause scurvy, a condition in which the skin becomes dry and rough.”
If you are regularly moisturizing, but it never seems to do anything tangible to the condition of your skin, inflammation could be the culprit. Dr. Kenneth Howe of Wexler dermatology explained, “Due to decreased amounts of oils and water content within the stratum corneum (the skin’s outermost layer), dry skin is prone to cracking. These cracks are breaches in the skin barrier that allow entry of irritants and allergens -- and so it’s quite natural for dry skin to segue into the more severe state of dry, inflamed skin.”So, how do you know if your skin is inflamed and not just dry? Symptoms of inflammation in the skin includes itchiness, redness, increased flakiness, and sensitivity. You probably know of this condition as eczema. And of course, you probably want to know why your moisturizer isn’t cutting the mustard when you’ve arrived at that place. Dr. Howe explained, “Since moisturizers do not directly address inflammation, they often exhibit little impact on skin that has reached this state. The most common and effective treatment is a topical steroid cream or ointment, but there are some herbal medications that are useful, as well.”
Well not so much diet, but nutrition, has an impact on the moisture levels in your skin. But, as Dr. Howe pointed out, nutritional deficiencies have to be severe before they cause dry skin, thus it’s fairly rare for dry skin to be the result of a nutritional deficiency if you live in the United States.That being said, Dr. Howe explained, “Zinc deficiency causes dry skin. And, low levels of Vitamin C cause scurvy, a condition in which the skin becomes dry and rough.”