Gray Hair: 6 Hacks to Hide It

From: L’Oréal Paris
As you get older, dealing with gray hair can start to feel like a no-win game of hide and seek. Trust us—it’s nowhere near as fun as what you remember from your childhood. Despite the rising popularity of silvery streaks on the runway, it’s still not quite the look many of us strive to achieve. After all, gray hair can actually make you look older, which is just about the last thing you probably want, right? Since we understand the struggle, we’re revealing six different hacks for hiding gray hair. Trust, you’ll want to know each and every one. 

#1: DIY Dye Your Hair

When you start going gray, the obvious option is to dye your hair. It isn’t the only one (or this would be a sadly short list), but it’s certainly the first that crossed your mind upon discovering your first gray hair. Of course, there’s a reason dyeing your entire head of hair is a popular choice. You can just about make the salt and pepper pieces in your hair disappear—that is, until it’s time to dye again. If you’re in hiding until your gray hairs are long gone, that’s not a problem. Dyeing your hair doesn’t have to require so much as a trip to the salon, only an at-home hair color kit. 

At-home hair color pick

Our L’Oréal Paris Excellence Creme comes in a variety of shades of blonde hair, brown hair, red hair, and black hair so that you can easily find your best match and color your hair without ever leaving the comfort of your home. The kit includes a developer creme, hair color, conditioner, and hair serum—everything you need to keep your gray hairs covered—just follow the instructions included with your selected shade. Keep in mind that if you’re starting with a dark base shade and you’re going lighter, this will require bleaching—and the darker your shade to begin with, the more work it may take to achieve your desired hair color. 

#2: Use Highlights to Hide

A mane that’s sprinkled with gray hair can leave you just as desperate to get rid of them as those with a mane that’s mostly (or entirely) gray, but the same solution may not be what you need. Instead of dyeing all of your hair, try adding highlights throughout to disguise your gray hairs. By blending highlights in your hair, stray grays can be hidden without requiring too much maintenance. 

At-home hair color pick

Add highlights to your hair at home with the L’Oréal Paris Touch-On Highlights. Perfect for both beginners and highlighting experts, you’re able to glide on dimensional highlights from root to tip, controlling exactly where they go. Create your own look—subtle or dramatic—without the hassle of caps and foils. Read How to Do At-Home Highlights for more advice. 

#3: Cover Up with Root Spray

Let’s face it—there are times where life gets busy and suddenly your roots are marked by grays again. Even with super-convenient dyeing options, there’s a chance time won’t permit that you can immediately dye or highlight your hair again once you notice your gray hairs are visible. Instead of panicking, reach for a root cover up spray to conceal your grays until there’s time for a more long-lasting answer. 

At-home hair color pick

Spray the L’Oréal Paris Magic Root Cover Up onto new growth and partly through the length of the hair to blend in the color and effectively hide gray roots. The quick and easy spray dries in a flash and doesn’t leave behind a sticky residue. The best part? Once you’ve sprayed, you’re all set until your next shampoo

#4: Let Eye Makeup Do It All

You likely already have a makeup bag stocked with mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow, and these products are about to come seriously in handy. When you have a few pieces of gray hair peeking through and nothing else on hand, eye makeup that matches your hair color can be used to cover them up. Swipe a little mascara or liquid eyeliner onto your strands for hair that looks eye-catching for all the right reasons. 

#5: Give Grays Some Glitz

The urge to take gray hairs super-seriously may feel super-strong, but that isn’t your only option. Instead, implement your favorite festival hair trend—roots coated in glitter—as a way to hide grays. Create a mixture of glitter and hair gel, then place it on new growth for glam rock roots that no one will realize are turning gray.

Hairstyling pick

While we won’t dictate your glitter selection, as long as it’s something supremely sparkly, we can suggest a hair gel to mix it with. Try the L’Oréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle LOCK IT Extreme Style Gel, which offers high shine and long-lasting hold. 

#6: Try Out a New Part

Covering up gray hairs can be as simple as trying out a different hair style. Pick a new way to part your hair, depending on where most of your grays are. Yes, it really can be as easy as adjusting the placement of your part!

If covering up your grays isn’t your style and you’re ready to embrace your shade, read our article, Gray Hair: How to Maintain Shiny Steel Gray Strands.

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: Gray Hair: 6 Hacks to Hide It
Gray Hair: 6 Hacks to Hide It
As you get older, dealing with gray hair can start to feel like a no-win game of hide and seek
Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends
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