First things first, ditch the snooze.
Does anyone honestly wake up feeling more refreshed after that 7-minute snooze? It’s just a tease, taking you back to that magical sleep you were in only to be pulled back out of it a few minutes later. Turning off the snooze and allowing yourself to wake up straight away not only gives you more time in the morning but will also stop taunting you with the sleep you are no longer allowed to be in.
When you wake up, get out of bed.
We all do it when we wake up, spend at least ten minutes under the covers checking up on all the social media we have missed over night, but the longer you lounge in bed the more you want to stay there. Getting out of bed will stop you from so desperately wanting to stay there, so get up and browse your phone from the kitchen table.
Head for the caffeine.
Energy doesn’t always come naturally, but caffeine can help to give you the boost you need. Having some shortly after awakening can help to eliminate that morning grogginess, setting you up to face the day.
Don’t skip breakfast.
Are you one of those who claim to not be hungry in the morning? Well, you are. While you were sleeping your body entered into starvation mode, and while this can lead to you not having much of an appetite for food, your body needs it. Food is energy, and your mornings are more likely to be energetic if you have some fuel in you.
Break the rules, have carbs after dark.
On the topic of food, it’s time to break the ‘no carbs after six’ philosophy and carb up at night. Having a bowl of porridge before bed can not only give you a better night’s sleep, which will help you to wake up feeling refreshed, but provides a slow energy release that will last through to the morning.
Beat the tiredness with exercise.
When you wake up feeling exhausted the last thing on your mind is probably going to be exercise. While an extra half an hour in bed may seem like the best solution, exercise may actually help you to feel more awake. Invigorating the body can eliminate tiredness, and the endorphins that are released from physical activity are likely to put you in a better mood.
Have something to get up for.
Often having no plans can lead to lazing. If you don’t have anything to do, then you don’t need energy and you are likely to give into the snooze. Whether you have plans scheduled or not, getting up and doing something can help to relieve you of your tired state. Even if you just go out and get some fresh air, spending your morning do something is key to provide you with the energy you need.
Courtesy Career Girl Daily