In a Hurry? Here's How to Dry Your Hair Faster

The washing-and-drying process can be time-consuming, but it doesn't have to be!
By Emily Foley, Brides

The age-old joke of "I can’t, I have to wash my hair" may be a big tease about not wanting to go somewhere, but the truth of the matter is the entire process of washing and then blow-drying hair really is time-consuming! And for those of us with thick, long, or curly hair, it literally requires scheduling into your day. So how can you make the process easier and, most important, quicker? We’ve got easy tips to help you spend less time drying and more time enjoying that perfect blowout.

Say Goodbye to Your Towel

Believe it or not, a paper towel absorbs tons (tons!) of water from your hair—way more than your towel. Plus, blotting your hair between paper towels, versus rubbing or squeezing it with your towel, is much better for those fragile, wet strands. (Don’t forget to reuse the towels once they’ve dried!)

If you're really pressed for time and a towel is a must-do, opt for a towel that doesn't contain cotton, which can tug and break hair. We like AQUIS Lisse Luxe Hair Towel. Made with ultra-fine, uniquely woven fibers that are insanely smooth, water is quickly absorbed and hair goes from wet to damp in a pinch. Even more amazing? This multi-tasking towel reduces frizzes while cutting drying time in half. Perfect for the girl on the go.

Get Out of Dodge

Drying your hair in the humid room where you just showered is counterintuitive at best. Instead, take your dryer and go out of the bathroom so you’re not fighting against the dampness in the air!

Use the Right Tools

Make sure your hair dryer has at least 1,800 watts, because anything less than that simply isn’t going to do a good enough–or fast enough!–job. We’re obsessed with the Revlon One-Step Volumizer Hair Dryer. This thing really does dramatically cut down on drying time, and it gives you the ability to create volume and round your ends without the need for a brush.

Use Your Time Wisely

Trying to dry soaking-wet hair is simply going to take time. Bottom line. So instead of immediately drying your hair once you get out of the shower, do other things first, like getting dressed and putting on your makeup. Starting with hair that has already air dried some really speeds up the blowout process.

Get Rough

If you’ve ever read through celebrity hairstylists’ step-by-step guides for how they’ve created various red-carpet looks, you’ve likely heard the term "rough dry." Pros love the technique! Rough-drying simply means blow-drying your hair by tousling it with only your fingers and focusing on the roots. You might have even seen your hairstylist do this before. Then, once your hair is about 40 percent dry, grab your brush and begin your traditional blowout process.

Prime Time

And of course, every blowout is only as good as the products you use! So find products that are designed specifically to cut down on drying time, like Redken Pillow Proof Blow Dry Express Primer, which protects your hair from heat styling while also seriously reducing the time it takes you to dry.

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: In a Hurry? Here's How to Dry Your Hair Faster
In a Hurry? Here's How to Dry Your Hair Faster
We’ve got easy tips to help you spend less time drying and more time enjoying that perfect blowout.
Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends
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