Confession time: In all my years as a beauty editor, I have always
been intimated by foundation to the point of just forgoing it altogether
most of the time. Why do you think my skin-care game
is so aggressively on point? So I don't have to fret about complexion
makeup! I still spot-conceal on a daily basis, but whenever I do a full
face of foundation, it looks and feels to me like I am wearing a second
face (which ostensibly, I am). I love the evened-out effect wherein my
blotchy bits and weird shadows are brightened but for the longest time I
was just not able to get that effect without detectable foundation.
kingdom for a makeup product with the coverage of a buildable
foundation but the feel of a skin tint — that's all I want, truly.
Foundation should be seen and not felt... and not even seen that much.
(I'm trying to think of a clever metaphor for this and the only thing I
can think of is that pottery-throwing scene from Ghost and that might be a bit extra, but you get what I mean, hopefully.)
At first when cushion compacts burst onto the scene I was stoked —
finally a convenient way to get that natural undetectable finish! But
alas, cushion compacts
— while worthy of many virtues — are still like using a tiny
Tempur-Pedic mattress to apply foundation. Foundation drops are a great
invention however not all of them play nicely with all
moisturizers/sunscreens and separate or pill in an odd unpleasant way.
I'm sorry but silicone sponges are just something I cannot get behind —
try as I might (and I have tried many a time with many different
products) I feel like I'm trying to apply foundation with a squeegee and
it's just a real bad streaky scene.
[post_ads]Beauty Blenders are fine for
the most part but they still leave either a detectable layer of
foundation sitting on the top of my skin, or it blends in too well to
the point where the foundation is buffed in to the point of
invisibility. Look, I'm a face-toucher and I hate when I leave streaks
of foundation on my face as I scratch an itch on my cheek and I
absolutely abhor getting foundation beneath my nails.
Apparently the technique I was using to apply my under-eye concealer
also applies for other things. I already had what I needed to solve my
foundation problem all along, attached to my body — hands! Using your
own fingers to apply foundation gives you the most natural skin-like
finish because you really need to massage makeup into your pores (sorry,
but it's true) with the warmth of your hands to melt everything in
every crevice. You must become one with the foundation, in essence.
My theory had been confirmed recently as I was being foundation matched for a new yet-to-be-launched Nars
foundation (it's called Naturally Radiant Longwear Foundation and it
definitely lives up to its name). Jenny Smith, Nars' Global Makeup
Artist, dabbed on two shades she mixed to match my skin tone and began
massaging it in with her fingers — no brushes, no spongey eggs, just
mitts. When I asked her about it, Smith said that pretty much every
makeup artist applies foundation this way to get the most skin-like
finish — tools often leave footprints, as it were, and you're left with a
painted-on appearance. Jenny, you just saved foundation for me.
It may feel wrong at first, rubbing in foundation as you would moisturizer, but the key is to start small and build.
First things first — make sure your hands are clean. Wash them, sanitize them —so important!
(or pump, I don't know your life) a drop of foundation on the back of
your hand, and dot it around your cheeks, forehead, and nose with your
finger. Now rub your hands together like you're trying to start a fire
or you're a villain theatrically making an evil plan.
from the center of your face and moving outwards, blend with the pads of
your fingers, patting and rubbing into your face-folds as you see fit.
Keep going until the foundation is invisible. If that's not enough
coverage for you, dot again and go.
Now for a crucial step —
wash your hands again and make sure they are dry. Here's a trick I
learned from pal and makeup artist Katie Jane Hughes (Hi Katie!). Press
your palms onto your makeup'ed face and sort of roll them to blot and
wick off excess makeup on top. This gets rid of excess slime so it
doesn't look cake-y throughout the wear. Again, the heat of your hands
sets and blots simultaneously. You can follow up with finishing powder
if you like, but I find that this wicking method actually does the trick
for me.
Now admire your flawless face and give me a high-five (but only after washing your hands once more).
Not sure which to get handsy with? Here are some ace options:
The E.l.f. Acne Fighting Foundation is great if the idea of massaging makeup into your pores gives you stress breakouts already.
NYX Total Control Drop Foundation
is the perfect training wheels for testing out this method for
yourself, since you just drop these into your moisturizer or SPF.
Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: The Best Way to Apply Foundation Flawlessly With Your Hands
The Best Way to Apply Foundation Flawlessly With Your Hands
Confession time: In all my years as a beauty editor, I have always been intimated by foundation to the point of just forgoing it altogether most of the time.
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