With these 10 every day at home items, anyone can get rid of blackheads and also prevent them from coming back in the future. How these ingredients can help you and what you need to do with them is given in brief details at below. Do all or choose one. Take your bet.
Baking Soda
- 2Tsp of baking soda
- Enough water
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has mild abrasive properties that clean up the skin and removes blackheads naturally while exfoliating and unclogging pores. Your skin will be soft and smooth.
How to Make and Use
You just have to add water in the baking soda so that it makes a fine paste. Apply the paste all over your face focusing on the problem area and let it sit for no more than 5 minutes. Afterwards, massage in circular motion for about a minute or two while washing off with lukewarm water. Splash cold water at the end. It will clear the pores. Be careful of not over-doing it as baking soda tends to dry the face.
Cinnamon’s anti-bacterial properties fight against pimples and acne. It will open up the pores and clear up, dry out acne and will regulate blood and oxygen circulation. The fine granules of grated cinnamon know how to scrub all the dirt off.
How to Make and Use
First, powder your cinnamon sticks in fine granules. Now you can blend it with honey, keeping it on the face for like 20 minutes then washing off with lukewarm water. Don’t forget cold water splash. Don’t scrub too hard as it may cause some fine cuts.
- 2Tbsp uncooked oats
- 3Tbsp yoghurt
- 1 slice lemon
- 7-9 drops olive oil
Oat is a gentle natural cleanser and exfoliant. It unclogs the pores that can cause blackheads.
How to Make and Use
In a bowl take oats and add yogurt in it. Then squeeze a fresh lemon and add olive oil. Stir and mix well. Lay it all over your face for about 5 minutes or more, as you wish and wash it off with lukewarm water combined with a splash of cold water. People with an oily face can use it also and lemon will help to lighten any spots and skin.
Green Tea
- 1-3 bags of organic green tea
- 1 cup water
Green tea has antioxidant. It is very good for maintenance of healthy proper skin. So, you get rid of blackheads from the core. Both by consuming green tea and by applying topically you can get rid of blackheads.
How to Make and Use
Steep green tea bags in boiling hot water for about 10 minutes. Let it cool down and store in a spray bottle. Use it as a toner every day at night before going to bed until you get rid of all blackheads. You can store it in the fridge. Thus, it will stay good for a long time and the cold will soothe your face making your pores smaller.
- 4-5Tbsp of Coriander
- 1Tbsp of Turmeric Powder
Turmeric is a great ingredient for removing blackheads thanks to its antiseptic property. It will cure any kind of skin infection and will give you a flawless skin in no time.
How to Make and Use
In a food processor, blend coriander leave and extract its juice. Now in a bowl take turmeric powder and add the juice to it. Depending on your desired consistency, measure the ingredients yourself.
Egg whites
- 1 egg
- Some tissues
Being rich in vitamins and minerals like selenium egg whites can be a remedy for blackheads. It will also tighten the pores making your skin look smooth and of course, flawless!!!
How to Make and Use
Break an egg and separate the white from the yolk. Now beat the white (not like beating type beating but cooking beating, so that froth is formed as it gets blend well, you know). Take the tissues and separate the layers. Using a brush, paint the white on your face especially on nose chin and forehead where you get most on the blackheads. Then place the tissues on them and apply another coat of white over them. Like this, you can do multiple layers of white and tissue. Let it dry so it is hard and dry. Not a single spot is wet. Slowly pull from an edge and see how your blackheads are absorbed in the tissue gone from your face. Remember to wash off face later with warm water and cold water respectively or either the white may get stuck in the pores causing and breakout.
Apple Cider Vinegar
- ¼ cup organic apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup water
Apple cider vinegar will prevent bacteria and microbes causing blackheads from coming and clogging the pores. It is acidic, antibacterial and antiseptic. It also helps to maintain the pH of the skin.
How to Make and Use
Add apple cider vinegar in water and rub the solution on your face with a cotton ball on the pad. Now as it is very acidic and effective many people especially with sensitive skin face some irritation. For that case, add more water to dilute it. You can add rose water or blend the solution with mint to get over the smell and to make it more soothing.
- 7-9 organic strawberries
- 3Tbsp organic honey
The vitamin and salicylic acid can make strawberry a very efficient agent against the blackheads (Here comes Agent 00Strawberry!! Ta-tara-taratarataraaaa!). It removes the dead cells, tightens the pores and brightens the skin. Any kind of swelling and redness will be gone thanks to this red thing itself and your complexion will get fair with each passing days.
How to Make and Use
For making a mask with it just mash the strawberries really well. So, it is a bit lump but not juice. Now add the honey to it and mix well.
- 1 tomato
- 1Tbsp lemon juice
Another red buddy to the rescue. This round red thing does not only taste good but also works great on my skin (I’m so big of Tomato fan I wonder how I get my tomatoes on my face rather than in my mouth, but then again it works so good. I just have to). Tomato works as an exfoliant and gets rid of clogged pores by diminishing blackheads.
- 1Tbsp orange peel powder
- 2Tbsp of olive oil
The orange peel powder is filled with vitamin C, citric acid, and oil controlling agents. So, you get rid of blackhead-causing bacteria and an oily face at the same time. Remember, no oily face no blackheads.
How to Make and Use
In a small bowl mix the ingredients and make a consistent paste. Apply it on the face like a scrub, gently rubbing in circular motion. Continue for 2-3 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water followed by cold water.
HOLD ON, these are not it. There are far more of options than these. The whole world is filled with natural goodies that can get rid of blackheads along with other skin problems.
- Honey can be a great relief against skin problems, especially to kill all the bacteria and to moisturize skin without making it oily. So, you can either add honey to you every wash and scrub or just apply it directly on face.
- So is a lemon. Diluted lemon to be specific. Lemon kills any germ and makes skin lighter. Concentrate on the acne spots and see how they disappear over the night.
- Rose water is very mild on skin. It will tone the skin, clear off oil and soothe your skin, making your pores shrink it will lessen the possibility of infection.
- Steaming is also a good idea. It relaxes your body and purifies it too.
Warning Bells
Take care of these notes too. Looking beautiful is not so easy but absolutely not impossible.
- Excess of anything is not good. So, don’t overuse a method more than twice a week or repeatedly for months. Give it a break. Try something different.
- Scrub gently, very gently either your skin will be irritated and red as a tomato or you will have micro scrapes all over the face.
- Though most of the homemade remedies are free of allergy and any type of discomfort, one may never know what will happen. So, be safe than sorry do a patch test first or consult a dermatologist.
- Clean yourself regularly.
- Exercise and sweat are that all the toxins come out of your body and you have a clear blood.
Say Good Bye to Blackheads as you know how to do that all of that naturally. Don’t let blackheads kill your self-esteem. You kill them. Show the world the real you. Use your own ways to save yourself. Cinderella doesn’t need a prince. All she needs is herself.