If you have been struggling this year or are looking to continue your journey to recovery, don't forget to take care of yourself this season. Here's how you can do just that:
Find a mentor you can text throughout the day.
If the thought of going to a gathering and having to conquer both food and social anxiety troubles you, find a mentor who is either understanding and can help you cope with your mental illness or a mentor who is suffering as well. Having someone there to encourage you and hold you accountable to getting better is a blessing and an easy way to work towards recovery.
Treat yourself.
As cliché as it is, it's so important. The holidays can be so overwhelming trying to buy gifts for everyone else, but it's essential that we also take time to take care of ourselves. Go out and buy yourself a holiday gift. Something that you truly want. Ignore what the price tag may be.
Get used to drinking tea and eating soup.
Comfort foods are the best over the holiday season and can help to reduce the stress that you may be feeling. When things seem to be getting out of control, make yourself a warm bowl of soup and a hot mug of tea and be amazed over how much the warmth of your meal will lift your mood.
Say no to events that you can't handle.
Some outings are simply more triggering than others. If there's a particular holiday gathering that is causing you a greater deal of anxiety than the others, it's okay to skip out. Save yourself the unnecessary stress by eliminating the trigger altogether.
Take a step back from all of the hustle and bustle this season and remind yourself that it's all only temporary. The holidays can be draining and seem never ending, but they are only a short two months long. Remind yourself that you are stronger than you know and have all of the power that you need to get through this.
Courtesy ODYSSEY