The skin requires tender loving care just as our overall bodies require it. The skin is the largest organ on our bodies and protects us from unhealthy toxins, germs, bacteria, among other things. Since our skin works so hard to protect our internal selves, we need to take care of it as well. In addition to using skincare products, there are other things your skin craves and requires to function at its highest level.
The body needs water to survive. It’s true. Without water, the body would not survive. Water keeps the internal body hydrated and cool, while providing the proper moisture for the skin to stay supple and moist. Caffeinated drinks can cause dehydration so replace caffeine with water!
The body requires rest to perform at peak levels. Since so many people live such stressful and busy lives, rest often gets put on the back burner. This is simply not okay. Rest is NEEDED for the skin to look and be healthy. Taking a light nap during the day, laying down and reading a good book for a while, meditating in silence with no distractions, or a warm bubble bath to soak the body in are all great ways to rest and de-stress.
Working Out
Working out keeps the body strong and healthy. It also helps the body release dangerous toxins through sweat so that they don’t build up in the body, causing the skin to look unhealthy. Blood flow pumps better throughout the body when working out, allowing the pores to open to release unhealthy toxins and sweat. Your skin will also look more radiant with a beautiful glow.
Eat A Healthy Diet
A healthy diet packed with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains will keep your body healthy while helping your skin look more clear and clean. What you take in exudes through your skin so a healthy diet is vital for your skin. Minimize processed foods high in fat, sugar, and sodium – opt for eating clean and load up on vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will be beneficial to your overall health and skin.
You must cleanse morning and night to remove excess oil, acne-causing bacteria, and impurities from the skin. Then follow with a toner if you have oily skin and finish with an oil-free moisturizer to balance the pH levels of your skin and keep your skin supple and hydrated.
Wear Sunscreen and Avoid Over-Exposure to the Sun
Sun damage is serious and usually irreparable. It can cause dark spots to form on the skin, fine lines and wrinkles to appear years before they should, and also can cause skin cancer. If you must be out in the sun for a long period of time, load up on natural sunscreen with a high SPF. Even if you are out for a short amount of time, sunscreen is a must to keep your skin safely protected and healthy.
The body needs water to survive. It’s true. Without water, the body would not survive. Water keeps the internal body hydrated and cool, while providing the proper moisture for the skin to stay supple and moist. Caffeinated drinks can cause dehydration so replace caffeine with water!
The body requires rest to perform at peak levels. Since so many people live such stressful and busy lives, rest often gets put on the back burner. This is simply not okay. Rest is NEEDED for the skin to look and be healthy. Taking a light nap during the day, laying down and reading a good book for a while, meditating in silence with no distractions, or a warm bubble bath to soak the body in are all great ways to rest and de-stress.
Working Out
Working out keeps the body strong and healthy. It also helps the body release dangerous toxins through sweat so that they don’t build up in the body, causing the skin to look unhealthy. Blood flow pumps better throughout the body when working out, allowing the pores to open to release unhealthy toxins and sweat. Your skin will also look more radiant with a beautiful glow.
Eat A Healthy Diet
A healthy diet packed with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains will keep your body healthy while helping your skin look more clear and clean. What you take in exudes through your skin so a healthy diet is vital for your skin. Minimize processed foods high in fat, sugar, and sodium – opt for eating clean and load up on vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will be beneficial to your overall health and skin.
You must cleanse morning and night to remove excess oil, acne-causing bacteria, and impurities from the skin. Then follow with a toner if you have oily skin and finish with an oil-free moisturizer to balance the pH levels of your skin and keep your skin supple and hydrated.
Wear Sunscreen and Avoid Over-Exposure to the Sun
Sun damage is serious and usually irreparable. It can cause dark spots to form on the skin, fine lines and wrinkles to appear years before they should, and also can cause skin cancer. If you must be out in the sun for a long period of time, load up on natural sunscreen with a high SPF. Even if you are out for a short amount of time, sunscreen is a must to keep your skin safely protected and healthy.
Follow these rules and your skin will take care of you to the best of its ability.
Courtesy Acne Skin Site