In this article we are going to present you the cucumber diet that
lasts just one week and as the name indicates, the diet includes only
cucumber in the daily diet.
Namely, this interesting diet is based on this vegetable and you can eat one cucumber any time you feel hungry.
The cucumber is green vegetable that besides in meals, it is used in
many home beauty treatments and facial masks for cleaning face or acne.
This amazing vegetable is great for your body due to the fact it
purifies the organism, stimulates metabolism and cleans the intestines
and digestive tract.
Cucumber diet plan for a day:
A plate of cucumber salad and hard boiled eggs.Snack:
5 plums or 1 big apple or 1 peach (lower than 200gr).Lunch:
1 piece toasted wheat bread with a bowl of cucumber salad.Preparation of cucumber salad:
400 gr of cucumber, 200ml of sour milk or yogurt your choice, salt and fresh onion.
First peel and cut the cucumber to small pieces. After that add a bit
salt and mix well until the salt is completely dissolved. Then add sour
milk or yogurt and mix it gently and finally add the onion.
Cucumber shake.
Preparation of cucumber Shake:
1 cucumber, 1 apple and a hand of washed spinach.
Simply put all the ingredients in blender, add some fresh ginger and
mix. After that, pour the resulted combination in a glass and drink it
while it is fresh.