soy and fava beans contain the compound genistin, which in the past
have been found to be able to stimulate the growth of estrogen-positive
breast cancer cells, leading doctors to tell women with breast cancer to
stay away from soy foods.
However, contradictory studies have shown that women with long-term,
high-soy diets have lower breast cancer recurrences. Specifically,
Professor Leena Hilakivi-Clarke of Georgetown University found that rats
with a long-term high-genistein diet responded better to anti-estrogen
treatments than control subjects. In addition, they were less likely to
have recurrences of cancer. So long term consumption of genistein, found
in soybeans, might actually have a protective effect against breast
In trying to deal with the contradictory research findings,
Hilakivi-Clarke investigated the effect of genistein in rats and found
that T-cells of the genistein-fed rats were primed to attack the tumor
before they were given anti-cancer drugs. The T-cells responded more
quickly and strategically, overcoming certain defense mechanisms cancer
cells use to evade attacks.
Hilakivi-Clarke reported, “Results suggest that genistein’s ability
to activate anti-tumor immune responses and reduce expression of
immunosuppressive mechanisms may explain why lifetime genistein intake
reduces risk of breast cancer recurrence.”
“It is critical that genistein is consumed well before a tumor
develops to program the tumor to exhibit good immune responses,” added
Xiyuan Zhang, a doctoral student on Hilakivi-Clarke’s team.
There is evidence that genistein also has a beneficial effect against
other types of cancer, including brain, colon, and for men prostate,
for rats that is. However, the fact that humans and rodents metabolize
soy differently could account for differences in results.
Courtesy Online Health Wiki