Your holiday makeup is done. Matching your right cat eye to your left cat eye took an hour, but hey, it was worth it. You’ve managed to duct-tape yourself into your outfit for maximum impact without risking any indecent exposure—so you’re basically out the door. Except for the hair. What to do about the hair?
As if jewel-toned smoky eyes and sparkly lips weren’t extra enough, ITG proposes Hollywood Glamour Waves as your secretly easy go-to style this season. People will think it took time and effort and skill, but you know the truth—that all you need is a curling iron, hairspray, and a brush. That’s what makes it a secret. Keep it between friends.
From the mouth and hot tools of Clara Leonard (the hairstylist behind this, this, and this) and the head of Ella Hope Merryweather (fresh face from London), an easy, breezy hair tutorial for all your festive needs. Stay bouncy, friends.