Aging is a normal part of the life process, but some foods that you are eating are actually making you grow old faster
than you should be. This is about much more than how you look in the
mirror—aging effects how well your body works, and how long your organs
and cells will last.
There are three major ways that food can contribute to making you
look and feel old. These are inflammation, glycation, and oxidation.
None of these processes end nicely, and can help contribute to diseases
such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and renal
failure destroying your body. But on another level, these foods are
making you look as much as ten years older than you actually are. Stop
eating these foods that make you age faster now.
Cut these foods out of your diet now:

Even whole
wheat is guilty of containing AGEs (Advanced glycation end-products).
These substances factor into creating or strengthening diseases in your
body. They make you look older but they can also lead to diabetes and
cell damage because whenever you eat wheat, it spikes your blood sugar
levels to extremely high and unhealthy levels.
Now let’s look at some of the other foods that are making you age way too fast…
doesn’t matter what corn-derived food you’re eating—corn chips, corn
bread, or corn oil—corn products are chock full of high-fructose corn
syrup. Corn syrup will spike your blood sugar levels just like AGEs and
kick your aging into overdrive. In fact, there are ten times the amount
of AGEs in corn syrup than there is in normal, everyday glucose. The
real threat is that you will find high fructose corn syrup in almost all
of the foods that you eat.
Check all of the labels of the food that you buy for high fructose corn syrup or HFCS.

The best advice is to cut sugar out of your diet as soon as possible.
Stop using it in your coffee, stop putting it on your cereal, stop
buying foods that have too much of it in them.

The best way to avoid the harm associated with vegetable oils is to
find another source of oils that won’t cause you harm. Olive oil is the
obvious choice here, but there is also coconut oil and avocado oil to
choose from.
Now we will show you a ton of ways that you can actually find the right foods for your body
and look up to ten years younger than you do. These are real anti-aging
foods, spices, herbs, teas, and other nutrients that will stop your
premature aging. These are foods that you can eat without worrying about
growing old too fast.