Let's face it: Grocery and convenience stores (not to mention school
lunchrooms and vending machines) are full of chemical- and sugar-laced
foods we should never eat but that make up a surprisingly large portion
of most people's regular diet. I'm frequently asked which foods are the
worst and make us the fattest. Here are 10 of the worst foods you may be
eating, ordered from terrible to tragic. You may be surprised to learn
which "food" I consider to be the worst.
[post_ads_2] MORE: 50 Foods You Should Never Eat
All of these foods are highly acid forming and need to be eliminated
as soon as possible. They create inflammation in the body, throw off
hormonal balance, bog down the body's lymphatic system (more on that
later), and congest the liver, among other things that negate your
efforts to restore a healthy weight
1. Diet soda
Diet soda is the winner of the Worst Food of All Time Award.
Not only does diet soda have most of the problems of regular soda, but
it also contains aspartame, now called AminoSweet. According to research
by Lynne Melcombe, author of Health Hazards of White Sugar, aspartame
is linked to the following health conditions: anxiety attacks, binge
eating and sugar cravings, birth defects, blindness, brain tumors, chest
pain, depression, dizziness, epilepsy, fatigue, headaches and
migraines, hearing loss, heart palpitations, hyperactivity, insomnia,
joint pain, learning disabilities, PMS, muscle cramps, reproductive
problems, and even death.
[post_ads]Aspartame's effects can be mistaken for Alzheimer's disease, chronic
fatigue syndrome, epilepsy, Epstein-Barr virus, Huntington's chorea,
hypothyroidism, Lou Gehrig's disease, Lyme disease, Ménière's disease,
multiple sclerosis, and post-polio syndrome. It still astounds me that
some diet programs include this treacherous beverage as a means to lose
weight. This is pure propaganda and lobbying on the part of the
manufacturers and not based in fact.
I know many people whose abilities to lose weight improved only after
they cut out the diet soda. I also know people whose migraines and
heart palpitations—and even a brain tumor—disappeared after they cut out
diet soda. This is not food, and it has no place in your diet.
2. Soda
According to research
reported by Dr. Joseph Mercola, "one can of soda has about 10 teaspoons
of sugar, 150 calories, 30 to 55 mg of caffeine, and is loaded with
artificial food colors and sulphites." That alone should make you
rethink your soda habit.
But soda is also extremely acidic.
It takes over 30 cups of pH-balanced water to neutralize the acidity of
one cola. This acid residue can be extremely hard on the kidneys since
they have to filter it. Additionally, the bones act as mineral
reservoirs. Alkaline minerals, like calcium, are dumped into the blood
to help neutralize acidity, which can weaken the bones over time. And,
of course, the 10 teaspoons of sugar are a serious culprit in weight
gain. In studies, soda is also linked to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth
decay, and heart disease. If you're thinking of switching to diet soda,
keep reading.
3. Doughnuts
Compared with prepackaged snack foods, a fresh doughnut may not seem bad, but most doughnuts are 35 to 40% trans fats—the worst kind of fat you can eat. Trans fats
are linked to obesity and heart and brain diseases as well as cancer.
And then there are the sugar and artificial dough conditioners and food
additives many doughnuts contain. As if that weren't bad enough, the
average doughnut also contains about 300 calories.
4. Hot dogs
Questionable contents aside, even the 100%
beef variety is bad for you. A study at the University of Hawaii found
that consumption of hot dogs and other processed meats increased the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67%. One of the ingredients found in both bacon and hot dogs is sodium nitrite.
This carcinogen has been linked to leukemia in children and brain
tumors in infants. Other studies show that sodium nitrate also promotes
colorectal cancer.
Fix it: Don't discount carrot dogs. The veggie favorite can easily replace the summer grilling staple.
5. Bacon
Sorry, bacon lovers. According to research in the journal Circulation, daily consumption of salty processed meats like bacon
can increase the risk of heart disease by 42% and diabetes by 19%.
Contrary to what some diet plans teach, bacon has no place in a weight
loss program, or any health program for that matter.
Not convinced? Before you say yes to bacon, consider the other health effects of eating it.
A study at the University of Columbia found that eating bacon 14 times a
month was linked to damaged lung function and a significantly increased
risk of lung disease. Remember, no weight loss program should cause
weight loss at the cost of your overall health. Yet that is exactly what
many high-protein diets do, particularly when they include regular
bacon consumption as part of their meal plan.
You may not be surprised to see potato chips on this list, but it may surprise you to learn that, according to Health Canada, potato chips typically contain the highest levels of toxic acrylamide of any food.
Fix it: Reach for sweet potatoes instead! You can even turn them into crispy sweet potato chips so you won't miss the original chips, promise.
7. French fries
Not only do french fries typically contain
trans fats, but they also contain one of the most potent carcinogenic
substances in food—acrylamide. Acrylamide is formed when white potatoes are heated at high temperatures, such as during frying (and other toxic cooking methods). Acrylamide can cause inflammation in your body and throw off its pH balance in favor of acidity.
Additionally, most of the oils used for frying turn rancid in the
presence of oxygen or at high temperatures—yet another way these foods
can cause inflammation in the body. And researchers are discovering that
inflammation is a factor in many serious health conditions, including
heart disease, cancer, and arthritis, and, of course, weight gain.
While not all pizza is bad,
most of the commercially available and frozen pizza on the market is
full of artificial dough conditioners and preservatives. It is made from
white flour that has been bleached and reacts in your body just like
sugar, causing weight gain and blood sugar imbalances. Contrary to what
dairy marketing boards will tell you, cheese is not a health food. Most cheese is high in saturated fats and is heavily processed.
Fix it: Do pizza night at home, with a whole wheat crust, healthy sauce, superfoods, and the right cheeses.
9. Corn and tortilla chips
Since the advent of genetically modified foods,
most of the corn we eat is a health-damaging Frankenfood. That's
because corn is one of the most genetically modified foods grown.
Because of its high sugar content, corn causes rapid blood sugar
fluctuations, which translate into fat hoarding and weight gain, as well
as mood swings, irritability, and many other symptoms. Most chips are
fried in oils that are linked to inflammation.
I'm sure you're not surprised to see ice cream on this list, but it may not be for the reasons you think. Today's ice cream is full of sugar and harmful trans fats
as well as artificial colors and flavors, many of which are proven
neurotoxins that should never be allowed in food. Neurotoxins are brain-
and nervous system-damaging chemicals. You may think that neurotoxins
won't have an effect on your weight, but they certainly do.
Our brains must maintain a delicate balance of chemicals that control all of our metabolic processes.
If any substance interferes, the balance goes out of whack. Of course,
there are healthier varieties of ice cream, but most ice cream is
hazardous to your health and weight. The best way to indulge without
exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals is to make your own ice cream
from scratch.
Fix it: Make your own ice cream and you can choose the exact flavors you want without the added harsh chemicals.
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