By Caleigh Hanson, Fitness Republic
We all know stretching does a body good.
It can help with muscle recovery, increase elasticity and prevent
injuries, as well as improve your agility and overall performance.
not everyone pays as close attention to their stretching habits as they
do to their actual workouts. Most of us take care to execute our
exercise regimes with proper form and efficiency — but what about our
stretching habits?
Get the most out of your workouts by implementing a solid stretching routine and avoiding these common mistakes below.
1. Neglecting To Stretch At All
is a big one, but is worth stating. We all know people who feel so
time-strapped they skip the stretch and go straight to the locker room
after a workout. But that’s the worst mistake you can make when it comes
to stretching. Stretching at the end of a workout (rather than before)
is most ideal, as your muscles are the warmest they’ll be. Make sure
you target the specific muscle groups that you focused on, as well as
any problem areas (like hamstrings if you’re a runner, or knee exercises if you have weak knees, for example).
2. Being Inconsistent
is one of those things you want to maintain regularly in order to get
the most benefit. If you don’t keep at it every day, after every
workout, you won’t benefit in the long run.
3. Static Stretching Before A Workout
and holding a cold, static stretch before you work — a.k.a. before your
muscles have warmed up — isn’t just useless, it can actually cause
harm. Studies have shown that
stretching before a run makes you less efficient, and it may also make
you more prone to injury. Instead of stretching, try a warm up that
includes some dynamic motions, like jumping jacks and burpees, to warm
up your muscles and get you ready to work.
4. Focusing On The Wrong Muscles
you’ve just done a tough upper body workout, don’t just stretch your
quads and hamstrings. You want to make sure you gently stretch the
muscles you’ve worked the hardest.
5. Rushing Your Cool Down
you move too fast when stretching, you’re putting yourself at higher
risk for injury and your stretching won’t be as effective. Take your
time with your cool down, holding each stretch for a good 10 to 20
seconds, or until you can feel the release of the lactic acid that had
built up. Make sure to incorporate dynamic stretches for your whole
body, while targeting the specific muscle groups you worked as well. You
made it to the gym and you worked hard, so don’t rush this important
part of your workout, and reward your muscles for a job well done.
6. Holding Your Breath
stretching, it’s common to lose focus on your breathing. But holding
your breath while you stretch can tighten the muscle and cause strain.
Remember to relax and breathe deeply as you perform your stretches.
7. Doing Stretches That Hurt
shouldn’t hurt. When stretching, maintain a controlled speed and reach a
point that still feels good, whiling giving your muscles a good
stretch. You want to maintain a healthy range of motion, and not force
it wider, otherwise you may tear or pull something — not good. If
anything hurts when stretching, stop immediately. If the pain persists,
see a doctor.
8. Practicing Bad Form
Poor body positioning
can make you miss a muscle and even cause damage, while good form gives
keeps your body comfortable and relaxed, allowing you to accurately
stretch the correct muscles. For example, if you’re doing a cross-body
shoulder stretch, you’ll want to make sure you keep your shoulders down
away from the ears to prevent strain. If you have any questions about
whether or not you’re using good form, consult a personal trainer or
physical therapist.
9. Stretching An Injured Muscle
an injured muscle will only make the injury worse, at least if it’s
immediately after pulling it. The same goes for foam rolling. If the
strain is minor, you can try gently stretching it a few days after
pulling it, but in the meantime, back off and elevate, compress and ice
the injury until it’s healed.
10. Getting Competitive
you want to keep up with that extra-limber ex-gymnast in your yoga
class, but listen to your body, and stay within your range of motion.
Stretching beyond your limit can cause muscle tear. And remember: Just
because someone can touch their toes without bending their knees or can
do a perfect bridge, doesn’t mean they’re in better shape than you are.
Flexibility is just one component of physical fitness, and everybody is
11. Stretching Your Lower Back
It’s tempting
want to stretch your lower back, but you may be doing more harm than
good. As you move your hips and spine throughout the day, your hips will
naturally stretch your lower back muscles, and that’s all they need.
Doing anything beyond this can loosen the muscles along the spine and
make it easier for your spine to go out of alignment. Instead, try
elongating yoga poses, like downward dog and cobra.