By Sara Lindberg, Insider
If you're pregnant, chances are you've heard about a number of activities you should avoid.
You know to stay away from hot tubs and alcohol. You may have even passed the pooper scooper to your partner because you heard cleaning out the cat's litter box can lead to toxoplasmosis.
But what about some of the lesser known dangers?
We rounded up some of the most surprising things that you should avoid when pregnant.
Don't go on roller coasters
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Going on amusement park rides — especially ones that are particularly jarring to the body — is not recommended during pregnancy. This kind of rigorous activity could lead to placental abruption, a premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus.
Don't paint the nursery — or any other room for that matter
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One of the most exciting parts about getting ready to
have a baby is preparing the nursery. But if painting is on your to do
list, you might want to consider handing the brush to someone else.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, painting with lead-based paint, or removing lead-based paint from your walls, could lead to high levels of volatile organic compounds in the air, which could be harmful to your baby.
If you must paint a room in your house while pregnant, opt for an unleaded, water-based paint rather than an oil-based paint. Be sure to stay away from paint thinners as well, and wear gloves while working. The EPA also emphasizes proper ventilation while painting, and recommends avoiding any newly painted rooms for at least two days after the job is done.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, painting with lead-based paint, or removing lead-based paint from your walls, could lead to high levels of volatile organic compounds in the air, which could be harmful to your baby.
If you must paint a room in your house while pregnant, opt for an unleaded, water-based paint rather than an oil-based paint. Be sure to stay away from paint thinners as well, and wear gloves while working. The EPA also emphasizes proper ventilation while painting, and recommends avoiding any newly painted rooms for at least two days after the job is done.
Don't wear your stilettos

A your belly and body grow, your center of gravity changes, which makes walking and balancing more difficult. Not to mention the fact that the hormone relaxin, which causes your ligaments to be looser, is released during pregnancy.
Don't spend too much time in the sun
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Heat intolerance is another concern during pregnancy. In addition to staying away from hot baths and saunas, it's also a good idea to limit the time you spend in the sun. Because your body temperature naturally increases while pregnant, even on days that don't seem hot, your body can quickly become overheated and dehydrated. Both of these conditions are very dangerous for you and your baby — especially in the first few months.
If you do head out for a few rays of vitamin D, make sure to apply plenty of sunscreen.
Don't get too stressed out

If your doctor has told you to avoid stress, there's
good reason for doing so. Too much stress can have lasting effects on
you and your baby, particularly if the stress is constant.
High levels of stress for a prolonged period of time can not only make you uncomfortable, but can also lead to headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, and loss of sleep or appetite. This in turn can increase your chances of having a premature or low-birthweigth baby.
High levels of stress for a prolonged period of time can not only make you uncomfortable, but can also lead to headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, and loss of sleep or appetite. This in turn can increase your chances of having a premature or low-birthweigth baby.
Don't get a tattoo
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Those who are pregnant face the same risk as those who aren't when it comes to getting inked: getting an infection. This is why the American Pregnancy Association recommends waiting until after you have your baby to get a tattoo.
Don't eat certain foods
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The list of off-limit foods
for pregnant women is quite extensive, but there are a few big
offenders to look out for. Unpasteurized foods like soft cheeses, sushi,
sprouts, hot dogs, store-bought chicken salad, seafood high in mercury,
deli meats, and raw or undercooked foods (meat, poultry, fish,
shellfish, and eggs), are some of the more dangerous ones to avoid.