news for anyone that prefers Cabernet over cardio: Drinking two glasses
of wine before bed could actually be the magic pill that helps you lose
weight, according to two recent studies from Washington State University and Harvard Medical School.
why: Apparently, there's a polyphenol called resveratrol in red wine
that transforms "white fat" into "beige fat" (AKA a version that's much
easier to burn off), say researchers at WSU. Even crazier, the Harvard
study, which looked at 20,000 women over the course of 13 years,
determined that those who drank two glasses of wine daily were 70
percent less likely to be overweight. Whoa.
OK, so what's the significance of night wine, you ask? Yet another study
found that resveratrol also helps suppress your appetite, which means
that after a glass or two of red, you're much less likely to raid the
fridge for a late-night snack. (We're assuming you'll also sleep like a
inclined to keep a bottle of Merlot on your nightstand? Other major
sources of resveratrol include blueberries, strawberries and (obviously)
grapes. Cheers to that.
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