If you've ever spent time using a pencil to fill in your eyebrows
(curse my own damn sparse brows) you know that getting both brows to
match perfectly requires some serious technique — unless you have a
genius beauty hack. Beauty blogger Promise Tamang (a fellow sparsely browed person) took to Instagram to share a brilliant brow trick for nailing razor-sharp lines.
Step 1: Coat the edge of your tweezers in brow gel.
Step 2:
Drag your gel-coated tweezers along your arch, pinching them in towards
the end to reach a point at the tail, creating two perfectly parallel
lines. Voila, a perfect brow outline.
Step 3: Use your pencil or brow gel of choice
to fill in the perfectly symmetrical brow outlines you've just created.
With this trick, you'll never have to worry about mismatched brows or a
wobbly arch due to an unsteady hand. Watch the whole mesmerizing
process below.
my own brows are blonde — very convenient for masking the fact that I
cannot for the life of me draw the perfectly manicured line beauty
bloggers and makeup artists seem to be so adept at creating. But this
game-changing brow hack will change everything.
also offered up a bonus use for your tweezers. Using the same idea, you
can also create perfect nose contouring. Rather than using brow gel,
coat your tweezer edge with a cream contour product
and use it to create two parallel lines down the bridge of your nose.
Use a brush to blend and use the time you saved to admire your perfect,
effortless contour.
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