"Gem Roots" Are the Crystal-Inspired Take on the Rainbow Roots Trend

Looking to recreate the color effect seen in geodes and other crystals, Beseau painted purple, mint, and pink dyes onto her client's platinum blonde hair. 

By Devon Abelman, Allure
Crystals. Whether you believe in their powers or not, you have to admit this: they've quickly, fully taken over the beauty world. There's shimmery crystal makeup, plenty of crystal-infused skin-care products, and, of course, hair inspired by the sparkly stones. Right now, we're loving "gem roots," a multicolored look created by Las Vegas-based hairstylist Chita Beseau that combines the rainbow roots trend and crystal craze with the biggest thing in hair color this spring, muted pastel tones.

Not 100 percent sure what rainbow roots are? It involves hairstylists coloring only the root area of someone's hair with every shade of ROYGBIV. Now that we're on the same page, let's get back to gem roots.

Looking to recreate the color effect seen in geodes and other crystals, Beseau painted purple, mint, and pink dyes onto her client's platinum blonde hair. Typically, these colors are applied all over or just at the ends. Focusing them just on the roots is a fun way to try out the muted pastel trend for spring without having to color your whole head. When they fade away, you're once again left with blonde hair.

[post_ads]Not only was the overall look inspired by crystals, but the Pravana dyes that were used by Beseau also pay homage to the spiritual stones. The purple she applied to her client's roots is called Purple Tourmaline. She chose this as the darkest shade of the trio to go on the roots "to create depth as I have seen in geodes and other mineral rocks," she tells Allure. Additionally, the pink shade, which came third in the pastel sequence, was named after rose quartz. The pale green, on the other hand, isn't from the same collection, but is still on-theme with its moniker, Mystical Mint.

Beseau painted on different amounts of each shade for every section of her client's hair. This ensured that you could clearly see each one of the pastel hues no matter how the hair is parted. For her client's bangs, Beseau only applied the purple and green to create face-framing highlights. The whole process took about two hours.

If you're not into the natural, dark root look, why not consider gem roots as a unique alternative the next time you're getting a touch-up?

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: "Gem Roots" Are the Crystal-Inspired Take on the Rainbow Roots Trend
"Gem Roots" Are the Crystal-Inspired Take on the Rainbow Roots Trend
There's shimmery crystal makeup, plenty of crystal-infused skin-care products, and, of course, hair inspired by the sparkly stones.
Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends
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