It feels like there is a new "best" hair removal technique taking top
spot each week, but do you know exactly what each entails? Threading
and waxing may seem similar because they both remove hair from the root,
but they differ in technique, outcome, and pain level. We've called in
the help of the hair removal experts at Strip to help clear up any questions you may have about waxing and threading.
Whether you're a devotee of one and don't know much about the other
or you're a newbie to both, here's all you need to know about threading
and waxing.
What is threading?
Strip says "threading originates from Asia and is an ancient method
of removing hair." It is achieved by creating a double thread of thin
cotton or polyester thread, and then using it in a twisting action to
remove the unwanted hair. This plucks the hair out at the root and is a
method used to easily create a specific shape. Threading is often used
on the eyebrows due to the precise nature of the shaping required.
However, it can be painful. If you have sensitive skin, you may find
that it causes irritation.
What is waxing?
Waxing involves applying hot wax to a patch of hair, then either
using a strip to remove the wax or leaving the wax to harden before
quickly ripping it off. Benefits of waxing include being hair-free for
longer periods of time, fewer ingrown hairs, and the fact it can be more
gentle on the skin than threading.
What is the difference between threading and waxing?
Waxing is a hair removal method that can be used on all parts of the
body. Waxing is far less painful than threading; however, threading
(when done correctly) doesn't disrupt the skin around the hairs in the
way waxing can, so some find it causes less redness than waxing.
However, everyone's skin is different. Threading is also quicker than
waxing as the hair is removed so precisely, and there is no wax that has
to dry. As threading is so precise and smaller sections are removed at
one time, there is less room for error in removing too much hair or
changing the shape.
Unlike threading, waxing involves less tugging of the hairs
themselves, and for most people it results in less pain. Strip uses a
'shrink wrap' technique that means the wax sticks to the hair and not
the skin, which minimizes trauma to the skin and therefore irritation.
Strip says many of their clients come in for upper lip waxing on the
same day of their event, as they walk out with little to no redness.
So, if you're looking for a quick eyebrow removal and don't mind a
bit of pain, threading is the technique for you. But if you're looking
for a less painful solution, try waxing instead.