It's time to branch out and discover new nail designs.
From gorgeous necklaces to dainty rings, we can't get enough of succulent creations. And neither can Instagram users. Now, succulent nail designs are taking over the photo-sharing platform. Just call it a succy mani. Some of the trendy looks include artistic drawings of the shrubs, while others feature actual plants. That's right—no polish, no sculpting—just real, living succulents.
Australian artist Roz Borg is the genius behind the trend. She started out creating terrariums and jewelry from the shrubs, and now she's designing nail art. The best part: Borg discovered a way to keep the succulents alive, so the plants can be planted after your mani grows out. First, she uses Oasis glue (a plant adhesive) to secure the shrubs to acrylic nails. Once it dries, she attaches the floral arrangement and the faux nail to each finger. It sounds pretty simple, but the meticulous process can take up to an hour per hand. If you have the patience, the stunning results are definitely worth it. Just keep in mind, this is not a manicure that you'll be washing dishes with.