By Erin Minty, LifeDaily

After a long winter of dry and flaky skin, we’re all a little desperate for that summer glow to return. But did you know that the foods you eat have an effect on your skin?
There are a ton of healthy foods that you can add to your diet to counteract your problem area, from blemishes, to redness, to wrinkles. Dr. David Bank, a dermatologist from Mount Kisco, NY, told Fitness Magazine that there are 10 easy and tasty foods you can add to your diet to help improve the overall look of your skin. These 10 foods will have you looking and feeling fresh in no time.
1. Chocolate

As if you needed another reason to eat chocolate, the sweet treat is proven to help get glowing skin. Be sure to choose squares that are at least 70% cacao, and you’ll see firmer and more supple skin in no time.
2. Yogurt

If you’re looking for a long-term fix for wrinkles, look no further than the dairy aisle. Yogurt has a ton of protein that helps to firm skin–and Greek yogurt is reportedly twice as helpful.
3. Pomegranate

This fruit helps to protect skin because of the polyphenol antioxidants, which help to regulate blood flow in the skin. So if you need some rosiness in your cheeks, try a few glasses of pomegranate juice daily.
4. Walnuts

For those looking for a softer complexion, the omega-3’s found in these nuts will help improve elasticity. And walnuts are the best nuts because they are also full of copper, which boots collagen.
5. Peppers

Specifically, yellow and orange bell peppers are a great choice for two reasons: women who eat these colored veggies tend to have less wrinkles (specifically crow’s feet) AND they can help reduce sun sensitivity.
6. Sunflower Seeds

If you crave brighter skin, try eating a handful of these seeds daily. The vitamin-E loaded in each seed helps protect the outer layer of skin from sun damage, so your skin will stay supple all summer long.
7. Kidney Beans

Finally, a zit-treatment that starts with your diet! Low zinc levels tend to lead to more blemishes, and these little beans are packed full of zinc. A four ounce serving daily can help clear up your skin.
8. Soy

For a more even completion, a soy latte or a handful of edamame can go a long way. Soy has been shown to reduce hyper-pigmentation, so one cup daily can make a big difference.
9. Oatmeal

But only if you choose the steel-cut kind. The less processed version keeps more vitamins in tact and keeps your blood sugar down, which has been shown to prevent wrinkles.
10. Green Tea

Studies have shown that this tea variety combats redness and inflammation. One cup daily can help you keep your skin tone even all day long.
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