7 Life-Changing Skincare Tips I Learned While Living in India

By Ariana Dickson, PopSugar

Clear, healthy, radiant skin is something to be desired — but it isn't always easily achieved. After years of ups and downs with hormonal acne, dietary breakouts, and always-frustrating stress spots, living in India has changed my skin for the better by helping me to understand how to heal from the inside out.

This wellness feeling is something to learn well and hold onto, especially if you struggle with your skin. Superfoods, clean eating, meditation, face packs, turmeric bars, and everything in between — beauty rituals in this part of the world are some of the most powerful formulas with a focus on the importance of nature's best ingredients, clearing your mind and understanding your body.

1 Aloe Vera

[post_ads]While aloe is a staple in the states as well, it wasn't until I moved to India that I realized the true power of this funky looking plant. It's been used medicinally throughout India for centuries (and many other countries!) . . . and for good reason. Its two hormones, auxin and gibberellins, reduce skin inflammation, stimulate new cells and allow skin to heal quickly with minimal scarring. Kiva's 100 Percent Aloe Vera Juice ($2) is the perfect dose to give me a glow and assist in acne healing. Purifying, detoxifying, and cleansing.

2 Yoga and Meditation

Lack of chill can oftentimes result in stress hormones like cortisol taking over. Hello, pimples and inflammation! Turning to yoga as a form of exercise and moment of mindfulness is a good way to relax and lower these levels. Yoga started in India's northern region; the practice dates back thousands of years. Worries fade, sleep becomes more peaceful, digestion and blood circulation improve, and you'll be looking dewier thanks to it all.

3 Proper Use of Antioxidants

Learning about different types of antioxidants has helped to resurface my skin and repair damage which I once thought was irreparable. New Age Indian brand Setu offers Alpha Lipoic Acid ($9) supplements, considered the master antioxidant for its diminishing of toxins in diet, environment and aid in cell rejuvenation. Nutrova Collagen + Antioxidants ($41) sachets are a great tasting option that reduce blemishes and firm out skin. I swear by Amalaki, otherwise known as Indian gooseberry or Amla, as its one of the most potent and rejuvenating — containing high levels of vitamin C.

4 Tea, Tea, Tea!

[post_ads]Morning, afternoon, and night, tea keeps my gut in check and my skin hydrated. Chai is classic, but black, green, or white tea all have skin benefits worth sipping. They're heavily rich in antioxidants and even work as a great, all natural exfoliant. On hot, humid days I love brewing Ausum's Organic Darjeeling Tea ($5) and pouring it over ice or testing out the variety of flavors from Tea Trunk's Assorted Tea Collection ($20). I also like to mix in superfood powders depending on what my skins needs most that day — moringa, amla, or a bit of matcha.

5 Turmeric

. . . among other Indian spices! Whether I toss the bright orange spice into a meal, smoothie, drink it with lukewarm water, or mix it with raw Kashmiri honey to make an all-natural face pack, turmeric has been able to lighten stubborn dark spots and acne scars that even laser treatments could not remove from my face. I've been using Bare Necessities Turmeric Spa Bar ($3), which has been powerfully effective when it comes to my anti-inflammatory needs.

6 Healthy Fats & Oils

For someone with a sensitivity to lactose and casein, ghee is an incredible cooking option that's rich in healthy fats and vitamin E. Commonly used in Ayurveda, it moisturizes skin from the inside out. Coconut oil is an omega-3 rich option which is great for more than just cooking.

Massage Nature's Organics Raw Organic Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ($11) into your skin using an Ayurvedic face massage. Apply oil in an upward motion from bottom to top. Start at the center of your chin and move up and out to tone and refresh! Do this regularly to help stimulate lymphatic drainage which naturally releases toxins. Note that coconut oil doesn't jibe with everyone's facial skin, and has been know to cause more breakouts for some!

7 Rose

[post_ads]I stumbled on Sao Herbals' Luxurious Rose Oil ($10) in Mumbai which began as an un-labeled, handmade home-remedy. It restores suppleness to my skin and gives it a fresh, youthful look by using a combination of Indian herbs and essential oils. Antibacterial, moisturizing, toning and relaxing — these are just a few of the lovely reasons that rose oil has been used in India for millions of years. Whether you struggle with redness, irritation or acne . . . you can use it anywhere on your body.

Ariana Dickson is a freelance writer, head of content + partnerships for an Indian influencer marketing agency and travel enthusiast with a love for spontaneity. Trading in New York for Mumbai, India — She likes to keep it real with a healthy balance between butter chicken and green tea, go-with-the-flow positivity and adventure. When she's not writing, find her nose deep in wellness practices or crafting up her next getaway.

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Women's Lifestyle | Beauty Hacks, Health Tips, and Fashion Trends: 7 Life-Changing Skincare Tips I Learned While Living in India
7 Life-Changing Skincare Tips I Learned While Living in India
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