Dashing out of the gym? It's easy to elevate your hairstyle with artful and architectural placement of bobby pins. Yes, that's right: bobby pins. These styles show you how.

By Ulrika Edler, Fitness Magazine
Available in vibrant colors, bobby pins can be used to put a little spin on your everyday hair.
Available in vibrant colors, bobby pins can be used to put a little spin on your everyday hair.
The first style is just a cute way to keep your front hair out of your face. Secure your hair with two horizontal bobby pins placed parallel to each other. Secure two more bobby pins vertically to create the square. Mix and match your pins to create a look you love.
For the second look, you can sweep the hair to the side to create a side bun, but it works just as well with a side pony or even wearing your hair down and to the side. Accessorize by placing bobby pins in the shape of a V in four rows. The ends should connect for the Vs to stay in place and create the arrow shape.
The third look is a cute bobby pin triangle designed to hold back a half updo. If you have a lot of hair, first secure the hair from one side with a bobby pin and hide it under the hair from the other side before placing the triangle. When creating the triangle, make sure the ends are touching each other, or are connected, to create the shape.
Have fun playing with colors and shapes of bobby pins!
See more at: Fitness Magazine
The first style is just a cute way to keep your front hair out of your face. Secure your hair with two horizontal bobby pins placed parallel to each other. Secure two more bobby pins vertically to create the square. Mix and match your pins to create a look you love.
For the second look, you can sweep the hair to the side to create a side bun, but it works just as well with a side pony or even wearing your hair down and to the side. Accessorize by placing bobby pins in the shape of a V in four rows. The ends should connect for the Vs to stay in place and create the arrow shape.
The third look is a cute bobby pin triangle designed to hold back a half updo. If you have a lot of hair, first secure the hair from one side with a bobby pin and hide it under the hair from the other side before placing the triangle. When creating the triangle, make sure the ends are touching each other, or are connected, to create the shape.
Have fun playing with colors and shapes of bobby pins!
See more at: Fitness Magazine