It's been on the market for more than a century, and you've probably got one or two bottles of it in the bathroom cabinet that you've had for years. Petroleum jelly—it's an ointment, lubricant, diaper cream, burn soother, cut healer…you name it. But there are many uses for it beyond minor skin emergencies. Here are some surprising ways to incorporate Vaseline into your daily beauty regimen.
It can work magic on your eyelashes

If you're not into falsies, it can still make your real lashes look great. Apply some with a swab to your naked lash line to create more eyelash volume and shine.
It's a foot cream

It helps perfume last longer

It can make your legs shiny

Dye your hair, not your skin

Keep your eyebrows in check

Soothe cuticles

It helps with face creams and eye serums

Remember, it's a lubricant

You can also use petroleum jelly for inserting earrings. Adding the teeniest bit of petroleum jelly atop a piercing can make the studs go in smooth—especially if you don't wear earrings often and find the process to be painful.