These powerful picks can help you shed stubborn pounds.
If you’re trying to slim down, you probably don’t need us to remind you that eating plenty of protein can help you reach your goal weight. Protein—even from unlikely sources like veggies—digests at a slow, steady rate to help you feel fuller longer and make you less prone to junky cravings. Just as important, it’s essential for maintaining and building lean muscle mass to help your body torch tons of calories. So it’s worth loading up all around.
But do certain high-protein foods pack more get-lean power than others? You bet. Some foods serve up more protein for fewer calories, while a few boast extra weight-loss benefits that just might get you into your skinny jeans even faster. Here’s a look at the most powerful picks—and why you should be eating them on the reg.
Wild-caught salmon
Low-fat cottage cheese
Boneless, skinless chicken breast