What do you think? This tutorial may seem complicated but I promise it's much easier than it looks, and it's lots of fun to do! I may have to do a video for my channel soon so you can see more easily how simple. It's really just random placement of some faux dreadlocks and some braids, feathers, etc, and you don't have to worry about it looking messy or unkempt because that's a big part of the whole idea anyways!:)
Also if you have a festival or fair you're going to or something of that nature, it's really fun to do once in while. Also because you're using coconut milk enriched serum to coat the dreads you're really nourishing your hair while you wear this style, so that's pretty neat too! haha I'll shut up now though and get on with the tutorial:
Tools & Supplies:
Also if you have a festival or fair you're going to or something of that nature, it's really fun to do once in while. Also because you're using coconut milk enriched serum to coat the dreads you're really nourishing your hair while you wear this style, so that's pretty neat too! haha I'll shut up now though and get on with the tutorial:
Tools & Supplies:
- head scarf
- hair-ties
- dry shampoo
- teasing comb
- coconut milk serum
- a hair clip
- hair spray
Steps 1-3:

Start by giving your whole head a good coat of dry shampoo as you work it in with your fingers to give your hair better texture and grip. Give yourself a deep side part. (1) Start separating small chunks of hair randomly from the top of your head, braid them, and pull the braids apart a bit to give them more size. (2) Tease your crown a bit for lift if you'd like. Divide your hair into two sections horizontally(see photo (3)), the lower section being about 1/3 of your hair and the top section with the other 2/3.
Steps 4-6:
Steps 4-6:

Secure the top section with a clip for later and (4) tie your scarf around your head, with the knot in the back. Let you top section down and (5) divide that into two horizontal even sections . (6) Separate your top most section in half vertically right down the middle and...
Steps 7-9:
Steps 7-9:

(7)...tie it in a half knot. (8) Securing the knot in place with several bobby pins. Begin creating your faux dreadlocks by (9) sectioning off 1-2 inch clumps of hair and twisting them from top to bottom.
Steps 10-12:
Steps 10-12:

(10) Squirt out some of your serum and (11) rub it along the length of your first twist. Tease your twist by (12) combing upward from bottom to top every 1-2 inches down the length of it. This will secure your 'dread', and separating each tease by at least an inch will ensure that your 'dreads wash right out with your next shampoo. Add in as many dreads as you wish (I've done my whole head many times), also add in any feather extensions, clip-ins, beads, etc that you wish, give the whole thing a little coat of hairspray for some extra hold if you wish, and you're all finished!

Again this is really more a specialty hairstyle for most people that you might not do very often, but it's still fun to get those type of tutorials out, and I'm answering the requests of a lot of you readers as well so I hope this is what you were hoping for!
By Emily Loves